Review: Latin America. Evils of Origin.


  • Rita de Cássia Marques Lima de Castro Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes - UMC



Latin America, Manoel Bomfim, Evils of Origin


This is a review of the work of Manoel Bomfim, written in 1903 in Paris: Latin America. Evils of Origin. This work balances the structures of thought in force at the beginning of the twentieth century, bringing considerations about the evils of origin that appear the American countries of Iberian colonization. The ideas of the doctor and educator Manoel Bomfim, bold and against the mainstream at the time, deserve to be remembered and put on the agenda of discussion, in the XXI century, since they remain current and provocative. After all, the teeth of ixode's centuries of European parasitism are still, insistently, in the history and evolution of the rich in research challenges, complex and instigating Latin America.


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Author Biography

  • Rita de Cássia Marques Lima de Castro, Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes - UMC

    Realiza pesquisa em regime de pós-doutorado na FEA-USP. Doutora em Ciências (PROLAM-USP), Mestre em Administração de Empresas (FGV-EAESP), Especialista em Administração (FGV-EAESP), Bacharel em Comunicação Social (CÁSPER LÍBERO), jornalista. Professora na Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes – UMC – Campus Villa-Lobos – SP.  Associate Member Senior do CORS - USP. 






How to Cite

Castro, R. de C. M. L. de. (2017). Review: Latin America. Evils of Origin. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 16(30), 212-220.