“Brachilenos” and other cases: the Brazilian immigration to Santiago (Chile) for affective reasons





International migrations, Brazilian immigration, South-South migration, Affective migrations, Intermarriage


This research aims to explore and describe aspects of Brazilian immigration to Santiago de Chile from the 1970s up the present. Within the available analyzes on the migratory phenomenon, the focus of this research is on immigrants who have parental ties or have stable affective relationships with Chilean citizens. The objective is to understand the characteristics of this type of migration through the report of the experiences of the migrant subjects themselves, in the perspective of giving voice to their problems. The article also includes the cases of Brazilian descendants who were persecuted by the Chilean military dictatorship. The research is qualitative, with snowball technique, through participant observation and interviews in the life story model. The theoretical development was posed by reviewing the literature with migration studies on national identities, feminization of migrations and racial discrimination.


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Author Biography

  • Iuri Pieroni de Lima, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

    P.h.D candidate at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. E-mail: iuripieroni@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Lima, I. P. de. (2020). “Brachilenos” and other cases: the Brazilian immigration to Santiago (Chile) for affective reasons. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 19(36), 166-188. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1676-6288.prolam.2020.168319