Poetics of the Absurd: characteristics and manifestations in Latin America





Theater of the Absurd, Martin Esslin, Poetics of the Absurd in Latin America, Memory of the dictatorship and Art, Latin American dramaturgy


In this article, the manifestations of Absurd Theater in Latin America are examined, taking into account the influences of seminal authors and those who drew inspiration from the works of Beckett, Ionesco, and Genet to develop their own theatrical language. The historical processes that served as the foundation for the emergence of this theatrical form are exposed. The reinvention of the absurd in Latin America is exemplified through specific dramaturgical texts, with an emphasis on violence as a central critical tool. Significant themes for the region, such as exile, torture, and despair, are addressed, reflecting social inequalities and the coercive actions of the state. Furthermore, the enduring influence of Absurd Theater, especially on contemporary playwrights in Brazil, is explored, along with an analysis of how this theatrical convention can be adapted and explored in various historical and cultural contexts, giving rise to new aesthetics and poetics for contemporary theater.


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Author Biography

  • Lucas de Lima Vitorino, Universidade Estadual Paulista. Instituto de Artes

    Lucas Vitorino is a director, playwright, and professor. He is a founding member of the Pandora Theater Group. He is currently a PhD candidate and holds a Master's degree in Performing Arts from the Institute of Arts at UNESP, specializing in the research field of Aesthetics and Scenic Poetics. He graduated with a degree in Art-Theater Education from the same institution. He completed the Theater Directing Course at SP School of Theater and was part of the 11th Class of the SESI-SP Playwriting Center.E-mail: l.vitorino@unesp.br


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How to Cite

Vitorino, L. de L. (2023). Poetics of the Absurd: characteristics and manifestations in Latin America. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 22(47), 113-139. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1676-6288.prolam.23.213130