About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Psicologia USP being a vehicle for scientific and cultural dissemination, publishes original articles which may contribute to the knowledge and development of Psychology and related fields.

It also publishes material under the following sections: Reviews (articles involving available knowledge concerning a particular subject through the consultation, analysis and interpretation of related bibliography); Points of View (aims to promote subjects of relevance for scientific and graduate knowledge presenting comments that stimulate new ideas and perspectives on the subject); Brief Reports; Notices; Interviews; and Book Reviews.

The journal's editorial proposal meets the contemporary trends seeking integration and complementarity, more and more existent in the human sciences. That trend takes into consideration the Psychology vocation to the diversity, as well as to the articulation of areas and knowledges. If a human being may be seen as a complex biological machine, he is, however, a builder of culture and symbols, a creator of history.

Psicologia USP seeks to pay attention to the different conceptions that are expressed by that duplicity, publishing articles that reflect the wide range of the researchers' current themes, as well as the most significant debates that take place at the human and biological sciences boundaries. The journal publishes theoretical articles and essays, emphasizing some Psychology classical issues such as Memory, Family, Conscience, Unconscious, and Alterity.

Manuscripts submitted by Brazilian and foreign authors must be submitted exclusively to Psicologia USP, their simultaneous presentation to any other periodical is not permitted. Original articles will be submitted to the approval of a board of consulting editors, formed by specialists on the subject in question. The publication of the articles will depend on the approval of this board and the fulfillment of certain rules established by Psicologia USP. Manuscripts not accepted for publication will remain at the author's disposal. One copy of the issue containing the published article will be sent to the author.

Publication Frequency


Indexing source

The journal is indexed by:

  • LILACS - Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde
  • Latindex
  • IBSS (International Bibliography on the SociaL Sciences)
  • Index Psi Periódicos - Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde Psicologia

Scientific publication ethics and plagiarism politics

In line with our editorial policy, ethical issues related to scientific plagiarism occupy a central position in the publishing process adopted by the Psicologia USP journal. We understand that intellectual production should be authorial and linked to political positions, even if not at first glance. Any attempts to minimize its importance, including under the appearance of unrestricted scientific neutrality, tend to separate the production and disclosure of knowledge from the social purposes it should meet. If, contradictorily, knowledge can serve both domination and freedom, the reflection expressed in originality and commitment to knowledge for the development of a humanity permeated by fairness and equanimity can help us distinguish between its instrumentalization based on practices that may not be appropriate for scientific purposes and, on the other hand, its critical achievement in favor of freedom of thought.

Inspired by the need for constant reflection, avoiding the trend of reflecting oneself of the automatism of repetition of patterns, Psicologia USP is positioned against the various forms of plagiarism, repudiating any attempts of misappropriating the products of the intellectual work of others. Furthermore, we consider that even self-plagiarism should be rejected when answering to overproduction interests poorly committed to the responsible and necessary development and sharing of knowledge. We recommend that the originality of the studies submitted for assessment/publication is considered regarding both the copyright sources of the developed contents and referred to considering the formal aspects of writing. This implies the need for actual participation of coauthors in coauthored papers be carefully considered, including in cases of participation of advisors and scientific research coordinators. Also, we recommend caution regarding the development of papers derived from academic research of master’s, PhD, post-doctorate, and others, so that the author(s) do not incur in self-plagiarism. Even in cases in which the paper is inspired by or derived from research in the strict sense, it is important that the source of the content, safeguarded the identity of the author(s) during the evaluation process, be properly indicated and the text presented effectively original.

To ensure compliance with such precepts, Psicologia USP takes as inspiration the conduct principles and plagiarism policy drawn up by the Committee on Publications Ethics – COPE (https://publicationethics.org). From 2017, we adopted a specific software, especially the software SimilarityCheck - CrossRef, to prove that there is no textual or content similarity between the material submitted to assessment/publication and other publications, including by the same author(s).

Journal History

Edited since 1990, the journal disseminates articles that reflect the wide range of the researchers' current themes, as well as the most significant debates that take place at the human and biological sciences boundaries. The journal publishes theoretical articles and essays, emphasizing some Psychology classical issues such as Memory, Family, Conscience, Unconscious, and Alterity.