About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Target public

The target audience of RC&F consists principally of academics, researchers, professionals and students of the areas of accounting, finance and actuarial science.

Scope and research areas 

Revista Contabilidade & Finanças (RC&F) publishes inedited theoretical development papers and theoretical-empirical studies in Accounting, Controllership, Actuarial Sciences and Finance. The journal accepts research papers in different paradigms and using various research methods, provided that they are consistent and relevant for the development of these areas. Besides research papers, its main focus, traditional papers and manuscripts in other formats that can contribute to communicate new knowledge to the community are also published. 

On submitting an article to RC&F, the author(s) shall certify that the work is in line with the Research Guidelines and with the scope of the magazine. 

The research guidelines which implement the focus of publication are:

  • Management accounting and controllership

Refers to the field of research and studies on management accounting and controllership and their use in the organizations. Among the various themes of interest, it considers: management accounting; cost analysis and management; auditing of public, private, and third sector entities; tax planning and management; supply chain; strategic planning and budget control; management control systems; management information systems; assessment of investment projects; sustainability; controller career; among others. This line of research treats various organizations types, including startups.

  • Financial accounting

Involves the development of studies and research related to the aspects of identification, measurement, and disclosure of accounting information. Some of the principal elements are: accounting theory; corporate accounting; standard convergence; social balance sheet (value added statement, environment, human resources); intellectual capital; governmental and third sector accounting; independent auditing; financial statement analysis; recognition of inflationary effects; tax accounting; corporate governance.

  • Financial market e companies/stakeholders integration

Covers studies and research aimed at conceptual and/or empirical aspects of the financial system markets (credit, exchange, monetary, and capital markets), as well as the relationships of taker and investor of resources, from the perspective of past and/or projected corporate performance, interest conflicts, transparency, governance, always linked to the accounting discussion.

  •  Accounting, controllership, actuarial and financial education and research

Refers to the investigation of models, methods, techniques and instruments aiming at the improvement in quality of the entire teaching/learning process, as well as the construction of scientific works in all areas of the accounting, financial, and actuarial sciences. Comprises: higher education; accountants education; international curriculum; teaching and learning process; learning styles and strategies; education technology; on-line education and virtual collaborative models; accounting epistemology; profile; entrance process; permanence and dropout in the higher education; egress progression; assessment of educational programs.

  •  Actuarial Sciences.

Covers themes related to risk management and social protection. Some of the principal areas are all of the modalities of insurance, basic security and complementary welfare, health, enterprise risk management and financial risk, finance and investments, demography and aging, and other research themes using actuarial techniques.

  • Emerging themes in accounting, finance, and actuarial sciences

Includes works on innovative themes, approaches, methodologies or which may have an interdisciplinary character, which does not fall within the previous lines.

  • Researches developed within the Hispanic areas

Aims to become a meeting point between researches carried out in the Hispanic, Brazilian, and Anglo-Saxon areas, based on articles written in the area.


In the event that the authors have doubts about the compliance of their works with the research guidelines of the RC&F, they should contact the Chief Editor (recont@usp.br).



 The Revista Contabilidade & Finanças (RC&F) seeks to evaluate the articles by focusing on the quality and experience of the researchers.

 For this, the desk analysis process takes into account a set of relevant elements not only for the acceptance and publication of the article, but also for success in the citation.

The elements considered are:

  1. Editor-in-chief send the article to the associated editor(s) using ScholarOne system. The elements that should be discussed among editors are:
  • Is it in scope?;
  • Attractiveness (elements that could make the article interesting for RC&F);
  • So what? (innovation);
  • Gap;
  • Problem;
  • Research question;
  • Hypotheses;
  • Referential and construct;
  • Methodology;
  • Outliers (if applicable); and
  • Formal writing questions.

      2. Editor-in-chief and associated editor (s) analyze the elements mentioned and decide whether the article will be forwarded for peer review or not.

The journal establishes goals, in terms of deadlines, for the development of activities. In 2018, the goals are:

  • Desk: 90% of submissions must be finished within 30 days;
  • Review: 90% of submissions must be finished within 180 days.

The final step is when the article is sent to the reviewers or when it is informed to the authors who do not have continuity of analysis.

 When the article is sent to the reviewers:

  1. The reviewer has a deadline to answer whether or not he accepts;
  2. When accepting the invitation, the reviewer will have a deadline, which may be extended depending on their availability;
  3. Points to be reviewed by the reviewers:
  • Strong points;
  • Weaknesses;
  • Suggestions about the theme, methodology and methods, as well as the literature that supports research and findings; and
  • The results, if derived from the research findings.

Peer Review Process

Ad-Hoc Evaluators (Peer Review)

 The Ad-Hoc Reviewers develop analysis of articles from a set of elements defined in template, such as interest to the journal, methodology, references, clarity, and so on. They shall recommend changes in the article, indicate it for publication, suggest a revision or reject it. These allowances are used by the Editor-in-Chief, having heard the Associate Editors opinions for the decision to accept or not articles.

The evaluation process is blind to all sides, that is, triple blind review. The RC&F Ad-Hoc Reviewers are recognized experts in the academic community nationally or internationally distributed both in terms of their scientific fields of expertise, as geographic, covering different regions of Brazil and other countries. Reviewers are invited by the Editor-in-Chief to be part of the journal’s researchers group and, within their areas of speciality, the invitation is extended to analyze the articles.

 The choice of Ad Hoc Reviewers for each article is made by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, having heard the Associate Editors opinions.


Publication Frequency

Adopt the continuous publication model with four-monthly editions.


Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater world democratization of knowledge.


Plagiarism detection

This journal uses the CrossRef Similarity Check, developed by the iThenticate system, to support the verification of misconduct in the submitted researches.

Press release


Indexed in

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ISI Web of Science - Scielo Index









10th Edition of Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management

CAPES/Qualis (Nacional B1)

LATINDEX - Sistema regional de información en línea para revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

ULRICH’S PeriodicalsDirectory


Archiving and digital preservation

IBICT Rede Cariniana – Ministério da ciência, tecnologia e inovação 

PKP LOCKSS Private LOCKSS Network - Public Knowledge Project




Updated: 08/19/2022