Environmental Quality and Health Promotion: A Study on The Parque do Povo in Presidente Prudente - SP


  • Alba Regina Azevedo Arana UNOESTE
  • Fernanda Berguerand Xavier UNOESTE




Urban Parks, Physical Activity, Environmental Quality, Health


Evidence from recent studies indicate that the supply of urban parks is associated with health benefits the local population. A proposed mechanism for this issue is that the parks positively influence the self-perceived health of the individual and encourages the practice of physical activities. The People's Park of Presidente Prudente is the main public green space for recreation and sports of the city. Environmental quality and urban green spaces are closely related, and among many benefits, these sites promote opportunities for physical activities (PA). Thus, this article aims to investigate the relationship between urban environmental quality and PA practice, and discuss how the environment can act on environmental strategies for health promotion. The methodology consisted of a qualitative-quantitative approach and the technique was the use of a questionnaire applied to 200 frequent attendees park with age over 18 years. Data collection was carried out during the first halve of 2015. The questionnaires showed that most of the population lived near the premises, and health-related reasons were the most outstanding for PA practice. The "green environment" factor was the most valued in the item "motivation" to choose the location. It was concluded that urban parks bring health benefits, but do not guarantee on their own an increase of physical activity level.


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Author Biographies

  • Alba Regina Azevedo Arana, UNOESTE

    Geógrafa- mestrado e Doutorado pela USP São Paulo.

    Coordenadora do Mestrado em meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Regional.

    Diretora da FACLEPP -Faculdade de Ciências Letras e Educação da UNOESTE. Professora da Graduação e Pos graduação na UNOESTE. Pesquisadora na área de Gestão Ambiental e Resíduos sólidos.

  • Fernanda Berguerand Xavier, UNOESTE
    Graduada no curso de Educação Física pela Universidade Estadual Julio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP, campus de Presidente Prudente/SP. Pós graduada em Saúde Pública pela AVM faculdade integrada. Mestre em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE - em Presidente Prudente/SP.






How to Cite

Arana, A. R. A., & Xavier, F. B. (2016). Environmental Quality and Health Promotion: A Study on The Parque do Povo in Presidente Prudente - SP. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 32, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.11606/rdg.v32i0.112038