The Geographic Information System (GIS) Applied to Water Supply and Sanitary Sewage


  • Filipe da Silva Peixoto Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Itabaraci Nazareno Cavalcante Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Renata Nayara Camara Miranda Silveira Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Fábio Ricardo da Silva Beserra Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte



Health Evaluation, Urban Planning, Urban Area, Spatial Analysis.


The objective of this study was to investigate the sanitary situation of an urban sub-basin hydrografic at Fortaleza (CE), in relation to water supply (WS) and sanitary sewage (SS). A geocoded database was developed based on data from the 2010 Census (IBGE). The Geographic Information System (GIS) was used in the integration of discrete data and the census tracts, providing the spatial representations. The water supply was verified in the number of households supplied by the general network or by wells. Likewise, for sanitary sewage, the number of households per type of sewage service was represented, as well as the type of static device (septic tanks or rudimentary tanks). The data points to a decrease in the use of groundwater as urbanization intensifies. Too much occupation has been found that does not have the proper sanitary sewage system.


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How to Cite

Peixoto, F. da S., Cavalcante, I. N., Silveira, R. N. C. M., & Beserra, F. R. da S. (2017). The Geographic Information System (GIS) Applied to Water Supply and Sanitary Sewage. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, spe, 20-28.