Caatinga Typologies: A Review to Support Mapping Through Orbital Remote Sensing and GEOBIA


  • Diego Vicente Sperle da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Carla Bernadete Madureira Cruz Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Semiarid, Caatinga, Remote Sensing, GEOBIA.


The Caatinga is an exclusively Brazilian biome, being one of the least known and studied in the country. The oscillation of water availability in the Brazilian semiarid, makes its vegetation extremely dynamic and seasonal. This feature makes it difficult to identify physiognomic types for mapping. The present work seeks to discuss different classifications of Caatinga typologies and their applicability in orbital remote sensing and GEOBIA, based on the criterion of separation between classes. GEOBIA (Geographic-Object-Based Image Analysis) is a methodology that stands out from the traditional, since it considers several attributes extracted from the objects, allowing a semantic relation in the classification process. A bibliographic review was made, where five classifications of caatinga typologies were found: Andrade-Lima (1981), Veloso and Góes-Filho (1982), George Eiten (IBGE, 2012), Chaves et al. (2008) and Cavalcanti (2014). The paper proposes the use of the classification of Cavalcanti (2014) as the most appropriate for mapping based on GEOBIA modeling, due to its geosystemic and multiscalar character.


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Author Biography

  • Diego Vicente Sperle da Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
    Mestre em Palnejamento e Gestão Ambiental PPGG/UFRJ






How to Cite

Sperle da Silva, D. V., & Madureira Cruz, C. B. (2018). Caatinga Typologies: A Review to Support Mapping Through Orbital Remote Sensing and GEOBIA. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 35, 113-120.