Agrarian reform as a basic element for a relevant territorial movement in Feira de Santana-Ba




Social movement, Camp, Territory, Land reform


This paper aims to analyze the social and legal situation of families camped on a farm belonging to the State of Bahia. The property was used by a public company known as the Bahia Rural Development Company - EBDA, as an experimental station, for the development of technical assistance, research and agricultural extension. We use for observation the study of legislation as well as documents that are directly related to property. We will look for data on property titling, information in the urban legislation of Feira de Santana and, in the municipality's master plan, enriching the text with important elements of the Flanders reality, especially with regard to location. It is an area of ​​land where a camp of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) is located, these people claim to settle them over the area. Because it is a public land, turning the farm into a settlement becomes a complex challenge, since public property is subject to stricter laws. We will observe the agrarian reform proposal offered by the MST, which proposes an agrarian reform program different from that implemented by the Brazilian State. Being the proposal a tool of collective use, since not only the MST would be the only defender of the idea proposed, but the society, raising this flag like objective of seeing the agrarian reform to be realized.

 KEY WORDS: Public Land; Land reform; Rural Settlement


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How to Cite

Souza, J. R. S. de, & Lima, J. R. de O. (2020). Agrarian reform as a basic element for a relevant territorial movement in Feira de Santana-Ba. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 39, 38-47.