Statistical analysis of the geomorphometric parameters of the relief in perennial and temporary first-order river basins in western Paraná




Análise digital do relevo, Correlação espacial, Estatística inferencial, Aeronaves Remotamente Pilotadas


Drainage network mapping can be obtained by photointerpretation or automatic extraction from digital elevation models (DEM), so that both methods there are inconsistencies. For solve this problem, proposals explore statistical regression techniques, decision trees or neural networks to automate the mapping of the drainage network. In this paper the objective is to compare geomorphometric parameters between first-order basins with perennial and intermittent rivers. The study area covers the Medianeira topographic sheet, code MI 2832-4, in the municipalities of Medianeira, São Miguel do Iguaçu and Serranópolis do Iguaçu, Paraná state, southern region of Brazil. The first-order basins were validated in the field and imaging with remotely piloted aircraft was made to generate DEM. From the DEM, it was extracted: area, perimeter, volume and void index, accumulation of flow (D8), slope, curvature plane, curvature profile, roughness concentration index and topographic wetness index. Statistical tests of calibrated hypotheses with 95% and 99% confidence intervals were applied to verify if there are statistically significant differences in the geomorphometric parameters between the first order basin groups. Area, roughness concentration index, curvature plane, topographic wetness index and void index were the most sensitive to differentiate perennial and intermittent first-order basins. The results obtained from the analysis of the parameters can contribute to development of methods for automated mapping of the drainage network.


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How to Cite

Paz, O. L. de S. da, & Sampaio, T. V. M. (2021). Statistical analysis of the geomorphometric parameters of the relief in perennial and temporary first-order river basins in western Paraná. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 41(1), e174393.