Salinization of soils and agricultural practices in the community of Quilombola de Cupira in Santa Maria da Boa Vista, Pernambuco – northeast Brazil




Semiarid, Irrigated agriculture, Management, Salt accumulation, Saline soils


The process of salinization of soils is defined as the accumulation of soluble ions in the agricultural layers causing loss of soil fertility and productivity, being responsible for the degradation of thousands of hectares of soil in the dry regions of the terrestrial ecumene, providing economic and socio-environmental losses. This article aims to analyze the relationship between the management adopted in the Quilombola de Cupira community (Pernambuco – Brazil) and the process of salinization of local soils. In order to carry out this study, 14 forms were applied to farmers in order to collect information on the agricultural practices adopted. In addition, soil samples were collected in each property of the interviewees to carry out chemical analyzes to assess the presence of salts. The results indicate that 71.42% of the properties have salinization problems, 57.14% of which are classified as sodium saline soils, 7.14% sodium, 7.14% saline and 28.57% normal. The factors that stand out as incisive in the process of salinization of the analyzed lands are: irrigation practices; use of fertilizers and pesticides and the lack of guidance on the proper management of local soil characteristics. The management developed in the Quilombola de Cupira community has been helping to develop the process of salinization of soils, resulting from the lack of public policies to support farmers.


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How to Cite

Castro, F. C., Santos, A. M. dos, & Araújo, J. F. (2021). Salinization of soils and agricultural practices in the community of Quilombola de Cupira in Santa Maria da Boa Vista, Pernambuco – northeast Brazil. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 41(1), e174478 .