The thermal field in winter episode in Bangu neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro (RJ)




Urban climate, Cartographic model, Urban management


For urban climate studies in tropical context, the thermal field has singular importance, first because it is influenced by complexity of urban shapes and functions, as well as impact directly human comfort/discomfort. In view of this, the article aim to understand the spatial thermal variability in Bangu, located in the West Zone of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). To this, three methodological steps were articulated: mapping landscape units using statistical techniques of regionalization considering physical, biological and anthropic elements; mapping winter surface temperature by orbital images; and, data collects by transects with two-hour intervals on 09/14/2018 to understand heating potential on the scale of the day. For Bangu, 15 landscape units were identified; in units with a predominance of artificial forms, intense urban flows, concentration of particulate matter and commercial, service and residential functions was observed the highest temperatures and the lowest cooling gradients. In quantitative terms, surface temperature was above 30ºC, thermal intensity up to + 8.8ºC and daily thermal gradient up to 5,6ºC. The units with predominance of natural forms, such as vegetated slopes of the local massifs, the surface temperature was below 26ºC and the daily thermal gradient was up to 10.6ºC, demonstrating the importance of natural forms and ecosystem functions for the thermal field.


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How to Cite

Lemos, L. de O., & Oscar Júnior, A. C. . (2021). The thermal field in winter episode in Bangu neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 41(1), e176065.