Cellular automata in the context of dynamic modeling: challenges in modeling urban areas





Dynamic Space Models, Spatial Simulation Models, Cellular Automata, Postgis.


The science of solving spatially arranged problems has been modified from new scientific paradigms, concepts and innovations in progress. The systemic approach allowed, especially in Geography, the creation of models as tools that can significantly contribute to the understanding of terrestrial phenomena and assist in decision making. Models can be classified in different ways and according to their approach. In the field of dynamic modeling, there is a great challenge to structure models capable of portraying the diversity of objects and actions that are modified in space and time, a great challenge, especially in urban areas. In this sense, this article seeks to build a theoretical-conceptual review highlighting the use of different approaches based on the challenges and potential found in its use for the modeling of urban spaces. The integration of different spatial interactions and the need to incorporate them with the temporal dimension is translated into the use of cellular automata as a procedure capable not only of portraying the phenomena more faithfully, but also of associating short-term responses and predicting what would be the possible trajectories and results of proposed interventions in scenarios such as: what if? In this way, the use of cellular automata is analyzed, their historical approach and how they are included today in geographic information systems. Initiatives of this nature bring new perspectives to geographic studies, helping to understand the actions that are underway and that may generate the most different types of scenarios.


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How to Cite

Viégas, V. S., Cruz, C. B. M., & Souza, E. M. F. da R. de . (2021). Cellular automata in the context of dynamic modeling: challenges in modeling urban areas . Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 41(1), e181171 . https://doi.org/10.11606/eISSN.2236-2878.rdg.2021.181171