South Atlantic Convergence Zone variability in relation to ENSO events from 2000 to 2021




South Atlantic Convergence Zone, ONI, Climate Variability, ERA-5


The South Atlantic Convergence Zone, SACZ, is established over the northwest-southeast strip of South America, in the austral summer, and contributes to a large part of the precipitation observed in the region, being influenced by teleconnection patterns and variations in the surface temperature of the Pacific Ocean. The aim of this study was to analyze the association between SACZ and the Oceanic Niño Index, ONI, between 2000 and 2021, based on data from ECMWF reanalysis five, ERA-5. SACZ identification was performed based on daily data on longwave radiation, precipitable water and atmospheric circulation. ONI data were correlated to the monthly occurrence of SACZ through linear and contingency correlation coefficients. The results point to the highest (lower) frequency of SACZ in the negative (positive) phase of ONI, indicating 42 SACZ events during La Niña events and 24 SACZ events during El Niño periods. Although the linear correlation coefficient between the number of ZCAS and ONI is low for the period considered (r = -0.20, p < 0.10), the contingency coefficient showed a moderate association, with a value equal to -0.46.


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How to Cite

Verdan, I., & Silva, M. E. S. (2022). South Atlantic Convergence Zone variability in relation to ENSO events from 2000 to 2021. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 42, e193110 .