“The rivers, the fish, the forest, are claiming for help”: Davi Kopenawa and the Yanomami sovereignties in Programa de Índio


  • Christian Elguera St. Mary’s University




Davi Kopenawa, Yanomami, Programa de Índio, Ailton Krenak, Sovereignty


I propose the notion of Yanomami sovereignties based on Davi Kopenawa’s interventions in Programa de Indio, a radio show organized by the União das Nações Indígenas (UNI) between 1980 and 1990. Such sovereignties distinguish, above all, to claim the federal demarcation and protection of indigenous lands in order to confront invasions of gold prospectors. Fighting for land rights also implied to produce networks with a variety of social actors, such as tribal leaders and transnational allies. Lastly, Kopenawa’s territorial defense promoted the national recognition of Yanomami knowledge and world-making practices. In this venue, Kopenawa established collaborations with Programa de Indio to forge territorial, interdependent and onto-epistemic sovereignties from a Yanomami standpoint.


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Author Biography

  • Christian Elguera, St. Mary’s University

    Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish at St. Mary’s University (USA).


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How to Cite

“The rivers, the fish, the forest, are claiming for help”: Davi Kopenawa and the Yanomami sovereignties in Programa de Índio. (2023). Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 9(18), 33-46. https://doi.org/10.14201/reb20229183346