The role of the human and social sciences in tackling the pandemic


  • Fernanda Sobral Universidade de Brasília



pandemic, cognitive conditions, socio-institutional conditions, accumulated competence, institutional continuity


The article intends to show that the knowledge produced by Humanities and Social Sciences tends to be a reflection of society and, at the same time, to have reflections on it. This dialogue between science and society became of utmost importance during the pandemic, as certain conditions were present, such as the accumulated competence in these areas and institutional continuity, which made it possible to offer contributions to face the pandemic. In order to exemplify these conditions, examples of the topics covered in the National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCTs) will be presented, in addition to highlighting some themes revealed by the Diagnosis of Human, Social, Applied Social Sciences, Linguistics, Letters and Arts (CHSSALLA) that may have relationship with the pandemic. Finally, the themes of the studies published by the book Social Scientists and the Coronavirus will be described, which, in this case, specifically deal with issues related to the pandemic.


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How to Cite

The role of the human and social sciences in tackling the pandemic. (2023). Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 9(19), 77-88.