Um olhar dialético para as mudanças curriculares na formação do enfermeiro


  • Cássia Regina Fernandes Biffe Peres Faculdade de Medicina de Marília
  • Maria José Sanches Marin Faculdade de Medicina de Marília
  • Elaine Cristina Iacida Soriano Centro Paula Souza, Escola Técnica Estadual Professor Massuyuki Kawano
  • Maria de Lourdes da Silva Marques Ferreira Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Medicina



Education, Nursing, Curriculum, Unified Health System


Objective: To understand the contradictions involved in the process of curriculum reconstruction in the training of nurses, on the professors’ perception. Method: Qualitative interpretative study, in which professors of nursing courses from three public and three private institutions were interviewed. The analysis was based on dialectical hermeneutics. Results: 21 professors participated in the study. The proposals of changes are associated with advances and resistances, since the extended view of the health-disease process is opposed to the biological view; the diversification of learning scenarios is confronted with the hegemony of the hospital scenario; the integration of teaching and service faces the inequality of participation of the parties; and integration between the basic and the clinical cycle finds resistance in the knowledge accumulated in each discipline. Conclusion: The contradictions found, although inherent to the change process, indicate that persistence and continuous movement towards curriculum reformulation are necessary.


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Como Citar

Peres, C. R. F. B., Marin, M. J. S., Soriano, E. C. I., & Ferreira, M. de L. da S. M. (2019). Um olhar dialético para as mudanças curriculares na formação do enfermeiro. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 52, e03397.