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Author Guidelines

♫ Submissions can be sent in a continuous stream through the Open Journal System (OJS) at:

♫ The texts must be sent by the registration as an author in Revista da Tulha in DOC or RTF format, compatible with Windows. It is requested that the texts be justified and typed in simple space with Times New Roman font 12.

♫ Texts of articles and essays must de between 7,000 and 10,000 words, including text boxes, footnotes and bibliographic references. Communications should be up 4,000 words. Conferences and essays are at the discretion of the author.

♫ The subtitles must be in bold, size 12 and centralized.

♫  Abstract and Keywords (separated by semicolons) in font size 10, single space (up to 300 words).

♫ Reviews (of books, exhibitions or other works) should be up 4,000 words and must be accompanied by the complete technical sheet of the reviewed object and, in the case of a book, the cover image file as specified below.

♫ Communications should be up to 5,000 words.

♫ Items for the elaboration of the works:

• quotations of three lines or less should be inserted in the text enclosed within double

• for quotations that are more than three lines, highlight the quotation in a block of text indent equal to paragraph, Times New Roman font 10, single space and without quotations

•  single quotation marks are used to indicate a quote within a quote), be up of three lines

italic for foreign words, neologisms and titles of works and publications

• names of musical notes in full. Ex .: D sharp minor

• musical measure number in full. Example 22

• Footnotes should be numbered

• the sources from which the citations were extracted must be indicated as follows: LAST NAME, First-name of the Author(s), Year of publication of the work, Page number (s) of the citation

• bibliographic references should be to present in text final

♫ Bibliographic references will obey the following criteria:

•  Book: LAST NAME, First-name of the Autor(s). Title of the work. Edition number. Place of Publication, Publisher, year of publication.

•  Book chapter: LAST NAME, First-name of the Autor(s). "Title of the chapter".  In: LAST NAME, Initial of the first name of the Organizer or Organizers of the work (Org.). Title of the work. Edition number. Place of Publication, Publisher, year of publication. Beginning-ending pages of the chapter.

•  Articles published in periodicals: LAST NAME, First-name of the Author(s) of the Article. "Title of the article". Title of the Periodical, volume number, edition number, beginning-ending pages of the article, month and year.

• Dissertations and Theses: LAST NAME, First names of the Author(s). Title of the work. Presentation year. Category (Degree and Area of ​​Concentration) - Institution, Place.

• Works presented at scientific events: First-name of the Author(s) of the work. "Title of the work". In: NAME OF THE EVENT, Event edition number, Event city, Proceedings...  Place of publication, Publisher, Year of publication, Beginning-ending page of the work.

♫  Ilustrations, figures, charts, tables, musical examples and concept maps, in addition to appearing in the body of the text, where they should appear, should also be sent in an image file (jpeg or tiff) with a resolution of 300 dpi and width minimum 10 cm.

♫  Os direitos de reprodução de imagens (fotos, impressões, fotos etc.) são de responsabilidade do autor dos autores dos artigos, ensaios e resenhas.

♫  The URLs must be functioning as hyperlinks, followed by the access date in the following format: (access: DD / MM / YYYY).

♫  Information about the author (s) (up to 10 lines) must be included at the end of the text.

♫ The works will be submitted to the Editorial Committee of Revista da Tulha and / or to external reviewers (whose evaluation is confidential), and may be accepted, refused, or returned with suggestions to the authors, who may re-present them.

♫  Other observations:

•  Use double quotes (") and single quotes (') for quotes of quodes . Ex .:" Nononon nonon' nonono 'nononononono ".

•  Do not give space before the indicate footnote.

•  The place of the point is always after the reference in the body of the text. Ex.: "The cultivation of music had become an affair of the middle class" (EINSTEIN, 1947, p.30). 











Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise it must be justified in "Comments to the Editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
  • URLs for the references have been informed whenever possible.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses font size 12; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not the end of the document as attachments.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, on page About the Journal.
  • In case of submission to a section with peer review (ex .: articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind evaluation by peers were followed.
  • The author undertakes to collaborate as a reviwer of the Revista da Tulha.


"Scientific article is the academic work that presents brief results of a survey carried out according to the scientific method accepted by a community of researchers. For this reason, it is considered scientific article that has been examined by other scientists, who verify information, methods and logical and methodological correctness of the conclusions or results obtained.

In general, it is production pages 40-20 or less. May be the result of synthesis of larger or elaborate work in number three or four, in exchange for theses and dissertations; They are developed in such cases, under the assistance of a faculty advisor. They are submitted to the committees and editorial boards of the journals, which assess their quality and decide on their relevance and appropriateness to the vehicle.

Source: <>


Essay is a literary and short text located between the poetic and didactic, exposing ideas, criticisms and ethical and philosophical reflections on certain theme. It is less formal and more flexible than the article. It is also in the defense of a personal and subjective point of view on a topic (humanistic, philosophical, political, social, cultural, moral, behavioral, literary, religious, etc.), without formalities such as empirical evidence like documents or deductive scientific character.
The essay takes a free and unsystematic form, without a defined style. For this reason, the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset defined it as "science without explicit proof."
Emerged in the late sixteenth century, essays are simple opinions, thoughts that should not be taken very seriously. This is what the French writer and philosopher Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) envisioned when writing your essais (1580, Essais). He meant that those essays were attempts, simple literary sketches (the original meaning of the French word "essai"). In England, the philosopher Francis Bacon, the first major English essayist, publishing essays (1597). But what Michel de Montaigne would create, along with Bacon, centuries later would become one of the main genres of critics and philosophers, as well as radically influence the story.
Source: <>


The scientific review, or academic work of disclosure, presents summary and critique of longer scientific work. It can be prepared with reading-based motivated by self-interest or subject to editorial demand. Aims usually for publication in a technical journal or even aiming at disseminating knowledge to the general public for broadcasting in wide media. In such cases the review is generally done by a scientist the same area of text knowledge base.

Furthermore, it is a text which is usually read by teachers in various universities, which score the degree of understanding thereof to the subject understood text.
Reference: <>


Papers given in the events promoted by the Department of Music of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the University of São Paulo.


Original scores of new compositions with the permission of the author(s); musicological review accompanied by analytical essays of musical works in the public domain or authorized by the author (s).

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