The Rap of Happyness and Rap do Silva: Protest Songs?


  • Vitor Israel Trindade de Souza University of São Paulo



candomblé, funk carioca, hip hop, protest songs, black ancient culture, Brazilian Popular Songs (MPB)


This text is configured as an essay where I approach elements of black protest music, especially the genre known as funk carioca, seeking to establish relationships with other historical approaches to black protest music in Brazil, mainly those produced during the years of lead of the Brazilian military dictatorship. The methodology used for the construction of this text was the bibliographic review and the analysis of different songs, considered as protest music, in particular, Rap da Felicidade (CIDINHO; DOCA, 2007) and Rap do Silva (MC Marcinho, 2007), which were structured as a starting point for reflective processes.


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Author Biography

  • Vitor Israel Trindade de Souza, University of São Paulo

    Vitor Israel Trindade de Souza (Vitor da Trindade) was born in 1956. An artist since he was 12 years old, he is the cultural heir of the Solano Trindade Family, which since the 1950s has been engaged in the maintenance and dissemination of Afro-Brazilian culture. He acted as a musician of São Paulo night and art educator with several NGOs and government entities. Vitor has a bachelor's degree in Popular Music from the Faculty of Technological Institute of Osasco and a master's degree in ethnomusicology from the music department of ECA-USP. He studied Afro-Cuban percussion with Dinho Gonçalves at FAP-ARTE, guitar and popular singing with Laura Campaner and Consiglia Latorre at ULM-Tom Jobim. He was a professor at the Musikschule Schoneberg, in Berlin, Germany, and has been a guest professor at the Landesmusikakademie, Berlin, since 1998. He has seven recorded albums of his own, 4 in Brazil, 1 in France and 2 in Germany. He has already presented his work as a teacher and artist in Europe, Asia, Africa and South and Central America.


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How to Cite

Souza, V. I. T. de. (2020). The Rap of Happyness and Rap do Silva: Protest Songs?. Revista Da Tulha, 6(1), 167-193.