Appointments about the notation for the viola caipira


  • André Aparecido de Souza Moraes Universidade de São Paulo



Notation, Score, Tablature, Brazilian Viola


Viola, like most string instruments, is an instrument aimed at ordinary people, often without proper access to traditional musical learning. Relevant to note that the traditional study of the viola gave oral without need to use some form of writing, developing a system of tablature only in later times. The scope of this paper is to discuss the reading and writing for the brazilian viola, giving birth to what was produced and registered for plucked string instruments and their developments that influenced the writing of the brazilian viola instrument of the chordophone family. Therefore, this article aims to present the possibilities of compositional production and writing to that instrument, due to your re-rooting in Brazil, viola became spokesman of the individual, and that individual to face as an instrument where he can roam in any musical genre.


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How to Cite

Moraes, A. A. de S. (2019). Appointments about the notation for the viola caipira. Revista Da Tulha, 5(2), 133-171.