The community role for the construction of resilent cities: the case of the rain garden in the Largo das Araucárias, Pinheiros-SP




Resilient cities, Biophilic cities, Communities, Rain garden, Largo das Araucárias


Currently, most large urban centers, such as the city of São Paulo, have faced challenges such as recurrent floods, increased heat islands, soil contamination, social inequality, among others, which result from the sum of local history to the growing effects of Climate Change, making cities and their inhabitants experience their physical and soul limits, testing their resilience capabilities. Facing this reality, new ways of thinking and building cities are born, such as the concept of biophilia, and also demand, with increasing participation of residents, who respond to challenges through urban interventions that significantly transform the landscape and local dynamics. Thus, this article aims to analyze the role of landscape interventions originating from collectives and local communities for the construction of resilient cities. And by bringing an analysis of Largo das Araucárias, it also makes a parallel with the concept of biophilic cities.


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Author Biography

  • Elis Cristina Morales dos Santos, Landscape Architect

    MBA in Management and Engineering of Products and Services at Universidade de São Paulo - USP
    Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
    Founding partner of Soul Verde - architecture, landscaping, sustainability and environmental education


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Section of a rain garden



How to Cite

Santos, E. C. M. dos. (2020). The community role for the construction of resilent cities: the case of the rain garden in the Largo das Araucárias, Pinheiros-SP. Revista LABVERDE, 10(1).