Interconnection between sustainable mobility projects as vector recovery Ribeirão Lavapés in Botucatu region


  • Alfredo Paulo Coppini
  • Mara Pedroso
  • Sirlei Bertolini Soares



Projeto sustentável, Qualidade Ambiental, Mobilidade Sustentável, Meio Ambiente, Ribeirão Lavapés


This work aims to examine the need for investment in sustainable mobility by encouraging alternative transport, especially cycling, through implementation and improvement of cycle paths and cycle tracks. The same is not intended to exhaust the subject, but to point out some actions responsible for the decline in quality of life in urban areas and measures that can be taken to promote improvement in these environments. Among the possible causes of reduced quality of life may be mentioned the use of private vehicle as the main means of transport and its share of responsibility as a very harmful practice that compromises the quality of mobility and promotes the destruction of the landscape in urban centers. In this regard, greater emphasis will be focused on advantages and benefits of the implementation of bike lanes and cycle tracks. As a case study, proposes to bring together some of the bike lane projects proposed for the city of Botucatu - especially the project comprises the construction of a bike path on the banks of Ribeirão Lavapés - in order to make an interconnection of these projects on a regional scale proposed to the existing tourist cycling trails, used between neighboring municipalities members of the “Consortium tourist Pole Cuesta,” pointing partnerships between public, university and society to implement these projects in a rational manner and practice, promoting sustainable mobility in a comprehensive sphere.


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Author Biographies

  • Alfredo Paulo Coppini

    Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola pela Universidade Federal de Lavras. Arquiteto e Urbanista pelo Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo.

  • Mara Pedroso

    Arquiteta e Urbanista pela Universidade Nove de Julho, do Centro de Engenharia e Cadastro Imobiliário da Procuradoria Geral do Estado de São Paulo-PGE.

  • Sirlei Bertolini Soares
    Engenheira Civil pela Universidade Mackenzie.



How to Cite

Coppini, A. P., Pedroso, M., & Soares, S. B. (2011). Interconnection between sustainable mobility projects as vector recovery Ribeirão Lavapés in Botucatu region. Revista LABVERDE, 3, 11-34.