Collective housing densification and sustainable mobility: Barra Funda case


  • Bibiana Carreño Zambra



Collective Housing, , Mixed Housing, Linear Park Brás-Lapa, Sustainable Urban Mobility, Compact City, Barra Funda, Densification


Considering the hypothesis to develop the Linear Park Brás-Lapa, this study focus the densification of multifamily housing in the area of Barra Funda, close to transportation lines, seeking sustainable mobility and accessibility. It will be analyzed if the necessary conditions to support mentioned increase of density are proposed, and which consequences at that territory would be if that happens; which are the occupation ways that are being generated by the Urban Operations Consortium in São Paulo, and if it is effectively the meaning of a compact city, which tries to promote such operation and having as contraposition two projects that have been giving good results in the restructuring of post-industrial areas in Paris.


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Author Biography

  • Bibiana Carreño Zambra

    Arquiteta pela Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Mestranda em Projeto de Arquitetura pela FAUUSP



How to Cite

Zambra, B. C. (2012). Collective housing densification and sustainable mobility: Barra Funda case. Revista LABVERDE, 5, 76-92.