Evaluation of potential future development of experimental laboratory how cells co-management in points of culture municipio Santos - SP


  • Maira Begalli
  • Milena Ramires
  • Mariana Clauzet




human ecology, experimental technologies, co-management, Santos, Culture Points


This paper identifies and evaluates the Points of Culture in the city of Santos, São Paulo State, aiming to detect possibilities for future developments of experimental laboratories as nuclei for co-management. The survey, which used as source the Network Catalog of Culture Points of São Paulo State to identify points (BRAZIL 2012), was carried out between June and July 2012. It was identified two Points of Culture: the “Project Parcel”, located in the continental area, and the “Station of Citizenship and Culture”, in the insular area of Santos. Both have potential to develop experimental activities related to the theme and could subsidize activities of co-management.


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Author Biographies

  • Maira Begalli
    Pesquisa experimentações tecnológicas e ecológicas colaborativas. Mestranda do programa de pós-graduação em Sustentabilidade de Ecossistemas Costeiros e Marinhos da Universidade Santa Cecília (ECOMAR/ UNISANTA).
  • Milena Ramires
    Doutora pelo programa Interdisciplinar em Ambiente e Sociedade pela UNICAMP (2008), docente do programa de pós-graduação ECOMAR/ UNISANTA.
  • Mariana Clauzet
    Doutora pelo programa Interdisciplinar em Ambiente e Sociedade pela UNICAMP (2008), docente do programa de pós-graduação ECOMAR/ UNISANTA.






How to Cite

Evaluation of potential future development of experimental laboratory how cells co-management in points of culture municipio Santos - SP. (2013). Revista LABVERDE, 6, 145-158. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2179-2275.v0i6p145-158