An Unexpected Reception: Lyrical Nitrate Between Film History and Art


  • Peter Depult Netherlands Filmmuseum



I was left confused. I may have been a filmmaker with strong artistic impulses, but my original intention with Lyrical Nitrate had been to make a film history documentary, not a found footage film. Now, twenty years later, I look back with amusement on that hectic period. Naivety is usually not a recommendation, and it certainly should not serve as a shield to hide behind, but in my candour I truly believed I had created a mainly informative film in Lyrical Nitrate, which would be received precisely and particularly by film historians and representatives of film archives as a promotional advertisement for the products of the early era of cinema. In the end, the film has achieved that status, but in the early 1990s, this seemed far from assured.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Peter Depult, Netherlands Filmmuseum

    is a filmmaker and writer. From 1988 to 1995 he worked as a curator and deputy director for the Netherlands Filmmuseum (now Eye Film Institute) in Amsterdam. He makes films in many genres: found footage (Lyrical Nitrate, Diva Dolorosa), documentary (In Loving Memory; Immer Fernweh) and features (The Forbidden Quest, Felice...Felice...). He writes travel stories, essays on cinema and art and novels. For the Cinedans Festival Amsterdam he wrote a blog on found choreography, the dance version of found footage (see

