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Author Guidelines

Norms for Manuscript Submission in RG&PP


Dear Authors,

RG&PP is a publication of the University of São Paulo edited in the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities by the Group of Studies and Research in Political Psychology, Public Policies and Multiculturalism.


The Editorial Process in RG&PP

The editorial process in the Journal Gestão & Políticas Públicas - RG&PP - is only started if the manuscript is sent according to the following conditions. Otherwise, the manuscript is rejected until the text is adequate to the RG&PP norms.

RG&PP adopts the APA publication norms with some adaptations ("Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association" - 5th edition, 2001).

Include your biography and ORCID address in the website is mandatory.

The omission of information in the detail that follows implies that the APA guideline prevails. For a quick guide in Portuguese, see, only in cases omitted here, Adaptation of Normalizing Style According to APA Standards ( For examples of manuscript sections (in English), Psychology With Style: A Hypertext Writing Guide ( is suggested.

The texts can be written in Portuguese, Galician, Spanish, French or English. The orthographic and grammatical correctness of the manuscript is the sole responsibility of the authors. The manuscripts, necessarily, must contain abstracts, titles and 5 keywords in the four (4) languages, besides these items in Galician when the text is written in this language.

The original texts must be submitted via internet through the author's registration on the website of the journal ( and then clicking on "Send your article".

The review of the manuscripts is anonymous as to the identity of the authors and the reviewers in a double-blind system.  In case of a tie in the evaluations a third reviewer will be designated, being the Editor responsible for the final decision on any forwarding of the manuscript (rejection or publication).

The data of the authors, filled out in the online form, are not forwarded to the ad hoc consultants under any circumstances.

Thus, it is the responsibility of the authors to eliminate any form of identification anywhere in the article, including the properties of the file.


 Ethical Considerations

The RG&PP requests that conflicts of interest, in the case of authors, should be declared at the time of manuscript submission in the Comments to Editor section.

If there is an undeclared conflict of interest during the review process, the author(s) will be contacted for clarification. If the explanation is not satisfactory, the manuscript will be withdrawn by the Editor.

In the case of a conflict of interest in an already published research, the article will be removed and the journal will publish a note explaining the reasons for such a decision. In addition, the author's association or institution of affiliation will be contacted to inform of the fact.

General Manuscript Guidelines

Files for submission must be in doc, rtf or odt format and may not contain more than 25 pages in the case of articles and seven in the case of reviews. The complete manuscript must be typed in A4 size page (21 x 29.7cm) with 2.5 cm margins; double-spaced, except for quotations, with justified paragraphs and Times New Roman font size 12, including references.

No graphic or textual resources (italics, bold, watermarks or others) should be used to make the text visually attractive, considering that such elements generate problems for editing.

Do not use underlining, bold, watermarks or other resources that can make the text visually attractive, as they bring serious problems for editing. Use italics and/or bold only for words or expressions that should be emphasized in the printed text, for example, "foreignisms", such as self, locus, rappaport, etc. and words that the authors wish to italicize. If the text has subdivisions, a maximum of three levels of intertitles is recommended. Subtitles should be underlined, presenting only the first letter in capital letters (except for proper names or acronyms).

Not more than 6 footnotes are accepted. Do not use end notes in the manuscript.

If there are subdivisions in the text, a maximum of three levels of intertitles are recommended. Subtitles should have the first letter of each word capitalized and without using italics. Footnotes should be avoided whenever possible. However, if there is no other possibility, they should be indicated by Arabic numerals in the text.

URL addresses (links to websites) included in the manuscript (for example:, should be inactive.


Figures, Tables, Charts and Appendixes

The words Figure, Table, Chart and Appendix in the text must always be written with the first letter capitalized and accompanied by the respective Arabic number (in the case of Figures, Tables, Charts or Tables) or capital letter (in the case of Appendixes).

Expressions such as "Table above", "Figure below" or "Graph below" should not be used, considering that there may be a change of location in the printed text during the editing process.

The title of Tables, Charts and Appendixes must be included before the presentation of the respective element. In the case of Figures and Graphs, the title must be included after the insertion of the presented element. In both cases, the title must have the following sequence: name of the element and its numbering followed by a dot and title in full, indicating the information contained, place and date (if applicable). For example: Table 1. Characterization of the surveyed population sample. Brazil, 2011.

Tables and charts should be presented in the manuscript in editable format. Tables and Charts inserted in figure format are not accepted.


Literal citations of less than five lines should be typed normally in the text, between quotation marks. Punctuation should be included before closing with quotation marks. At the end of the quotations, the author's name, year of work and page number should be included in parentheses.

Quotations with five or more lines should be highlighted in Times New Roman font size 11, with 4cm indentation from the left margin and single spacing, without quotation marks, followed by the author's name, year of work and page number.

The direct quotation must be exact, even if there are errors in the original - if there is an error in the original, the word [sic] must be added in the quotation, between brackets, right after the error.

Omission of material from an original source must be indicated by three points (...). The insertion of material, such as comments or observations, must be done in brackets. Emphasis on one or more words should be made with underlined font, followed by [our emphasis].

Attention: The terms op. cit, idem, ibidem, among others, should not be used.

The file to be attached to the submission form must follow these instructions:

1. The manuscript must NOT contain any authorship identification.

2. Include titles, Abstracts (150-300 words) and 5 keywords in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French. In case the manuscript is submitted in Galician language, it must include title, abstract and keyword in this language. The translations should preserve the content of the abstract, but also adapt to the grammatical style of each language. The author must perform a final revision of the versions of the abstract, because in case of publication it must be made available in the indexers of the journal.

3. Presentation of the bibliographical references on a new page, after the end of the manuscript, in alphabetical order, according to the APA norms (see below examples of references of articles, books, book chapters, theses and dissertations, respectively). Extra space should not be included between references. The name of the source of the publication must be presented in italics (title of the book, journal, film, music, etc.). The RG&PP, as a policy of visibility of scientific production according to the genre, adopts, as a rule, the writing in full of the first name of the author; Ex.: Saffioti, Heleieth I. B. (2009). or Sixirei, Carlos. (2004).

4. Inclusion of attachments only in case of information considered indispensable. Annexes should be listed consecutively with font Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced and identified in the body of the text by letters of the alphabet in capitals (for example: A, B, C and so on).

5. Tables, Figures, Charts and Graphs should be presented in the body of the text with the respective captions and titles. They should not exceed half a page (A4). They should be elaborated preferably in MS-Word. Within the Table, formatting in italics or bold should not be used.

Examples for the elaboration of citations and references:

The following examples should help in the organization of the manuscript, but do not exhaust the possibilities of citation. Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001, 5th edition) to check standards for other references.

Citations in the body of the manuscript:

1. Citation of multiple authorship article

a) Article with two authors: cite the names of both authors whenever the article is mentioned.

b) Article with three or more authors: cite only the last name of the first author, followed by "et al." and year of publication. In the References section, the names of all authors should be listed.

2. Citations of old and re-edited works

Use the following format: Author (date of publication consulted).

3. Secondary citation

It is the citation of an article discussed in another consulted publication, without the original having been used. For example: "Elster (1989 apud Sandoval 1990:128)...". In the References section, one should cite only the work consulted, in the example mentioned: Sandoval 1990.


Examples of references:

1. Article in scientific journal

Potters, Jan., & Sloof, Randolph. (1996). Interest groups: A survey of empirical models that try to assess their influence. European Journal of Political Econonomy, 12(3), 403-42.

2. Scientific journal article in press

Indicate that the article is in press, instead of the date, including the name of the journal. Do not include date and numbers of the volume, issue or pages until the article is published. In the manuscript, cite the article indicating that it is in press.

3. Article in Scientific Electronic Journal (Internet)

Löwy, Michael. (2003). Las formas modernes de la barbarie. Metapolitica, 28, article 1. Accessed on: 06 April 2003, de: .

4. Newspaper article

Franco, Carlos. (2003, April 06). The Borgia and the orgies of profane desire. The State of S.Paulo, [São Paulo], p. D5.14.

5. Article in non-scientific journal

Oyama, Thaís. (2001, June 27). Happy Days: Amusement Park Promotes Gay Day and teaches employees to treat homosexual visitors. See, 34(25), 71.

6. Book (printed and electronic)

Le Bon, Gustave. (1921). Political Psychology. Rio de Janeiro: Garnier Bookstore. (Originally published in 1910).

Camino, Leoncio., Llullier, Louise., & Sandoval, Salvador. (org.). (1997).  Studies of Political Behavior. Florianópolis: Contemporary Letters. 

Alberts, Bruce, Bray, Dennis, Lewis, Julian, Raff, Martin, Roberts, Keith, Watson, James D. et al. (1994). Molecular biology of the cell (3rd ed.). New York: Garland Publishing.

Postigo, Julio C. (ed.). (2013). Climate change, social movements and public policies: a necessary link. Santiago: CLACSO/ICAL/INTE/PUCP. Accessed on May 10, 2013, from

7. Book Chapter

Urquidi, Vivian. (2009). The Research in Communication and its Ethical Limitations. In Flavia Mori Sarti, & Gislene Aparecida dos Santos. (Org.). Ethics, Research and Public Policies. São Paulo: Rubio.

8. Paper presented in congress, but not published

Coimbra, Cecilia M. B. (2000, May). Political Psychology and Human Rights. Paper presented at the I National Symposium of Political Psychology, São Paulo, Brazil.

9. Paper presented in congress with abstract published in proceedings

Silva, Alessandro S. da. (2012). Political psychology in Brazil. In the 1st Ibero-American Congress of Political Psychology. Lima: PUCP.

10. Theses or dissertations

Rabbit, Fernando S. (2006). Higher education, management training and public sector: A study on undergraduate teaching in public administration in Brazil. PhD Thesis. São Paulo School of Business Administration, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, São Paulo.

Costa, Guilherme B. (2012).  Awareness, Participation and Negotiation: a psycho-political reading of the production process of the APA Várzea do Rio Tietê Management Plan. School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo, São Paulo.

11. Ancient work and re-edited at a much later date

Marx, Karl. (2013). The Capital. Criticism of political economy. Book I: The Production Process of Capital. São Paulo: Boitempo. (originally published in 1867).

12. Institutional Authorship

American Psychological Association (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington: Author.

13. Legal Documents

Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil 1988 (18th ed.). (1998). São Paulo: Saraiva.

Decree n. 3,298. (1999, December 20). Regulates the national policy for the integration of people with disabilities, consolidates the norms of protection and makes other provisions. Brasília, DF: Presidency of the Republic.

Law n. 9.394, of December 20, 1996. (1996, December 23). Establishes the Guidelines and Bases of National Education. Official Journal of the Union, section 1.

Ministry of Health. (1997). Basic operational standard of the Single Health System NOB-SUS 01/96. Brasília, DF: Author. Accessed on June 22, 2001, from oral/legislation.html

14. Personal communication

In the case of letter, electronic message, telephone conversation or personal conversation, it should be cited only in the text, using the initials and surname of the issuer and the date. They should not be included in the references.

15. Publication in electronic media (Internet)

National Association of Public Policy and Government Management Specialists.Homepage of the institution. Available on the internet at: [Access date: Apr. 26, 2010].

16. Article in a Journal or Non-Scientific Journal (Internet)

Without author

USA isolates Baghdad, invades Saddam's palaces and kills civilians in bombing (2003, April 7), O Estado de S.Paulo. Accessed: April 8, 2003: .

With author

Sampaio, Paulo. (2008, October 14). LGBT committee that supports Marta says advertising is homophobic and disintegrates. Folha On-line, Accessed on: November 04, 2008, de: .

17. Sound Documents: Recording of interviews, lectures, classes

Crop, Gilberto. (Speaker). (2007). The dialogue between Hannah Arendt and Saint Augustine [MP3 digital audio]. São Paulo: Sobornost. Class taught in the course Introduction to the Thought of St. Augustine and Hannah Arendt in the Post-Graduation Course in Clinical Psychology at USP on March 19, 2002.

Attention: The journal Gestão & Políticas Públicas uses the authors' names in full, not only the initials, as adopted by APA.


Guidelines for submission, check (All items are required)

- The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; if not, justify it in "Comments to the Editor".

- The files for submission are in Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format and are without any IDENTIFICATION from the authors. Removing the identification of the authors from any part of the text is the responsibility of the proponents.

- All "URL" addresses in the text (e.g. ) are active.

- The text is double-spaced (minus citations); uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underline (except in URL addresses); with figures and tables inserted in the text, not at the end.

- The text follows the formatting requirements of the journal according to the Guidelines for Authors, found in the section "About" the journal. The section of the journal is peer-reviewed, author identification has been removed, and "author" and "year" have been used in the bibliography and footnotes, instead of authors' names, titles, etc.

- The author's name has been removed in "Document Properties", MS Word "File" menu option, and elsewhere in the manuscript submitted to the journal. The identification of the authors will only happen in the form that must be filled in upon submission. The responsibility for the non identification of the author of the manuscript to be sent is of the proponents.

ATTENTION: The formatting is the responsibility of the author and articles that are not in the format will not be published. Check before submitting.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, Open Office or RTF format.
  • At the moment of submitting the manuscript on the RG&PP website, they should indicate: Address in Plaaforma Lattes. Address in ORCID. Institution to which you are linked (in full). Biographical summary containing education, degree, institution and city / country in which obtained. Institution to which you are linked at the time of submission. Contact telephone number.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • URLs, preferably the DOI when available, for the bibliographical references were informed, when possible, according to the format indicated in the RG&PP norms.
  • All information posted on the site must be in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.
  • The text has no authorship identification and follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the About the Journal page.


Política padrão de seção


This section contains thematic manuscripts that can be organized by RG&PP calls or proposed by organizers. The minimum number of texts in a dossier is 5 and the maximum is 10. Each dossier should propose a review. Proposals should be sent to the RG&PP email for analysis by the editorial team.
They should contain General description and title of the dossier, titles, 5 keywords, and abstracts of the texts and data on the proposing authors.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses given in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.