Partnership Between Public Authorities And Non-Governmental Institutions In The Implementation of Social Programs: analysis Projovem Program in the city Contagem – MG – Brazi


  • Camila Adriana Silva Diniz Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais Author



Public Policy, Social Policies, Public Management, Third Sector, Youth.


This work falls within the scope of the studies on decentralized social policies in Brazil today, considering the intergovernmental relations, and in particular, between the federal and local governments in the context of social management model adopted from the year 1990. In order to examine the relationship between institutions of the third sector and local government in the shared implementation of social programs, this work presents a case study of the Projovem Adolescent Program, implemented in the municipality of Contagem - Minas Gerais, proposing a reflection on the relationship established between power Local and civil society. Initially it is proposed to carry out a bibliographical study on the concept of public policies and social policies, making a historical portrait of youth policies in Brazil and the actors involved in its implementation. Subsequent introduces the concept of implementation of public policies, and proposes a reflection on the current political model, bringing a perspective of identifying the actors involved and their features. Later offers reflection about the concept of social management and shared management, understood here as the governance of relations between federal agencies and civil society actors in the implementation of public policies. The empirical work included the use of semi-structured interviews with municipal managers, managers of non-governmental institutions executing the government social program and technicians who work in the Reference Centers of Social Assistance. The work presents in his closing remarks the existing weaknesses and absences in the interaction between local government and non-governmental executing agencies in the implementation process and policy management, considering that this relationship is far from being virtuous, as proposed by the literature and with guided bottlenecks by the criteria of the Brazilian legislation.


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Author Biography

  • Camila Adriana Silva Diniz, Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais
    Possui graduação em Serviço Social e mestrado em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais e especialização em Políticas Públicas e em Projetos Sociais em áreas urbanas pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. É docente na Faculdade de Políticas Públicas da Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais – Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.






How to Cite

Diniz, C. A. S. (2013). Partnership Between Public Authorities And Non-Governmental Institutions In The Implementation of Social Programs: analysis Projovem Program in the city Contagem – MG – Brazi. Management & Public Policies Journal, 3(1), 55-71.