About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, published each four months, aims publishing original articles, reviews, documents all related to Brazilian Studies (History, Literature, Arts, Music, Geography, Economy, Laws, Social Sciences, Architecture, etc.).

Articles are submitted to two (02) reviewers’ evaluation, being respected the work authenticity and originality. In cases of disagreement, a third reviewer is consulted.

The Journal Editorial Commission defines the reviewers to whom the articles will be sent. The journal target public is formed mainly by national and international academic communities.

Publication Frequency

Three times a year


The articles sent to evaluation and eventual publishing by the Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros must be submitted in digital and printed in one (01) copy.

Every article must be accompanied by an author’s declaration in the following terms:

"Autorizo a Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros a publicar o artigo (citar o título) de minha autoria / assim como me responsabilizo pelo ineditismo do mesmo e, também, pela cessão dos autores quanto ao uso das imagens, caso seja aceito para a publicação.”

Eu, (colocar nome completo), CPF (indicar), RG (indicar), residente no endereço (indicar), assino a presente declaração como expressão absoluta da verdade e me responsabilizo integralmente, em meu nome e de eventuais co-autores, pelo material apresentado."

Place and date)


The journal receives financial aids from:

  • Programa de Apoio às Publicações Científicas Periódicas da USP/ Comissão de Credenciamento.

Journal History

Created in 1966, the Journal of the Brazilian Studies Institute - USP was published without interruption until 1997. Given the very nature of the institute, the Journal always followed a multidisciplinary approach, embracing different trends and lines of research and opening its pages to researchers from an enormous diversity of institutions. In many fields of knowledge, the Journal played a part in the drive to renew Brazilian studies that began in the 1960s, serving as one of the key outlets for the diffusion of original scientific research from Brazilian universities and their post-graduate programs between 1970 and 1990. It was also one of the vehicles for the divulgation of the IEB's vast archive, which today includes the personal collections of such fundamental names in Brazilian culture as Mário de Andrade, Graciliano Ramos, Guimarães Rosa, Osman Lins, Alberto Lamego, Yan de Almeida Prado, José Honório Rodrigues, Caio Prado Jr., Pierre Monbeig, Anita Malfatti, Francisco Mignone and Camargo Guarnieri. The IEB Journal, a forum for debate devoted to incorporating a multiplicity of themes, schools of thought and lines of research, was resumed in September 2006 with the proposal of integrating the various branches of the Humanities, accepting the challenge of critically thinking Brazil and facilitating dialogue between different fields of knowledge - though without compromising on the specificities and technical rigor demanded by the specialist reader. Its goal is, therefore, to present studies of such theoretical and methodological relevance and significance that they can and should transcend compartmentalization. Furthermore, it is with that same objective of promoting debates in which knowledge from disparate origins can meet and interact that the IEB Journal opens its pages to both the analysis of problems facing contemporary Brazil and to reflections that investigate theoretical dimensions of Brazilian studies. To this end, it assumes the challenge of molding itself into an agglutinative - but not harmonizing - forum for the countless frontiers of knowledge.