The perennial flow of cordel literature

“virtuous” coincidences between Mário de Andrade and the Northeastern poets




Brazilian literature, cordel literature, Mário de Andrade, Na Pancada do Ganzá, Silvino Pirauá de Lima, Francisco das Chagas Baptista, Fundos Villa-Lobos


Brazilian northeastern poetry, as popularly known as “Cordel”, was overshadowed at the time due to criticism that “popular culture” was deemed of inferior quality. Yet, Mário de Andrade was an unconditional admirer and the genre is present throughout all his body of work (specially in “Na Pancada do Ganzá”). My research shows how refined the style actually was and how it created a sense of unity, mirroring the millenarian therapeutic effect that poetry can awake on. Cordel sparks interest in new readers/listeners, allowing to be constantly transmitted and embedded in some sort of a perennial flow, perpetuating itself as I prefer to believe. Therefore, one can understand why the “rhapsode” Mário de Andrade highly praised the genre and was spellbound by it.


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Author Biography

  • Ivone da Silva Ramos Maya, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF, Niterói, RJ, Brasil)

    Professora aposentada da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Pesquisadora associada da Fundação Casa  de Rui Barbosa. Foi professora visitante do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Ebape/FGV).






How to Cite

Maya, I. da S. R. (2019). The perennial flow of cordel literature: “virtuous” coincidences between Mário de Andrade and the Northeastern poets. Revista Do Instituto De Estudos Brasileiros, 72, 296-306.