Online Submission

Editorial Policy


The purpose of the Latin American Journal of Nursing (RLAE) is to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and professional practice in Nursing and other healthcare areas through the publication of articles of high scientific merit. It contains unpublished articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish, in the categories Original Article, Systematic Review and Letters to the Editor. It adopts the rolling pass system. Special numbers are published at the Board of Editors discretion. Peer review is the adopted evaluation process, with the anonymity of authors and reviewers preserved.

The journal adopts the standardization of "Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals" (Vancouver Style (

RLAE follows the ethical conduct code recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( and the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (

All articles should be forwarded to the journal with the copy of the Research Ethics Committee approval in cases of human research (except public domain data). The clinical trial type studies must have the number of the Clinical Trials Approval Record ( which should be sent to the journal. In cases involving research with animals, the approval of the Ethics Committee on Animal Use should be forwarded.

Articles must be submitted by the ScholarOne ( in Portuguese or English or Spanish and intended exclusively for RLAE. Simultaneous presentation to any other publication vehicle is not permitted. RLAE considers as ethical infraction the duplicate or fragmented publication of the same research. The journal has tools for locating text similarity to detect plagiarism.



General Information

  • Authorship

The concept of authorship adopted by RLAE is based on the substantial contribution of each of the individuals listed as authors, especially in the design and planning of the research project, obtaining or analyzing and interpreting data, writing and critical review. The number of authors is limited to six and, exceptionally, for multicentric studies, it should be considered the possibility of including more authors, considering the justifications presented by them. Names of authors whose contribution does not fit the mentioned criteria are not permitted, and, in this case, they may be included in the section Acknowledgments.

The contribution of each of the authors should be explained in a declaration, signed individually by the authors, for this purpose and sent to RLAE at the submission of the manuscript. All authors must inform their ORCID registration number (

The concepts emitted in the articles are the exclusive responsibility of the author(s), not necessarily reflecting the opinion of the Editors and the Editorial Board.

Identification data of the responsible author (register)

Name and surname. The authors should follow the format by which their names are already indexed in the databases and include the ORCID registration number.

Correspondence. The name and full address of the responsible author for exchanging correspondence should be included.

Institution. Up to three institutional hierarchies of affiliation (e.g. department, school, university) can be included.

Authors must assign the authorship of the article to the Latin American Journal of Nursing through the Declaration of responsibility and transfer of authorship signed by all authors (Download).

To use open access article, RLAE adopts the Creative Commons License - CC BY ( This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt and create from their work, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the original creation to the author and state proper publication credits to RLAE. It is recommended to maximize the dissemination and use of licensed materials.

Categories of articles accepted for publication

Original articles. Original articles are contributions intended to divulge original and unpublished research results that can be replicated and/or generalized. Discursive formations of theorizing effect and qualitative methodological research, in general are also considered as original articles.

Review articles. Critical, comprehensive and systematized evaluation studies, results of original and recent research. They aim to stimulate discussion and introduce the debate on relevant and innovative aspects. Presentation of the review method, the meticulous search process and the criteria used for the selection and classification of the included primary studies. They should be supported by standards of scientific excellence and answer the relevant question to nursing and/or other healthcare areas. Among the used methods there are: meta-analysis, systematic review and integrative review.

Letters to the Editor. They include letters that aim to discuss articles the journal recently published or report original research and significant scientific findings.

Judgment process
Articles submitted and forwarded according to the publication rules are sent to the pre-analysis done by the Chief Scientific Editor, who will decide whether to approve or refuse the article if it does not contemplate the journal scope, whether it is new, true and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge. Once approved in the pre-analysis, the Associate Editor receives the manuscript for the selection of consultants. Following the evaluation of the consultants, the Associate Editor makes a recommendation to the Chief Scientific Editor who, based on the assessments made by the consultants and by the Associate Editor, will decide whether to approve, reformulate or reject the article.

Publishing Costs
The publishing cost for the author is composed of the translation costs of the article for publication in three languages.

Submission fee 
The submission fee is requested at the time of submission of the article and will not be returned to the authors of the rejected articles, either in the pre-analysis or in evaluation of the consultants, as well as to the authors of articles whose corrections were requested by the journal and not answered by the authors. Value of submission fee: R$ 500.00 (five hundred Reais) per article. 
Method of payment: deposit or bank transfer 
Banco do Brasil 
Favored: Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto - USP. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem. 
CNPJ: 63.025.530/0027-43 
Bank agency: 1964-X. Checking Account: 8486-7

Translations are requested to the authors after article approval. At this point, the original text must be translated into two more languages, different from the origin submission language. The authors are responsible for the cost of the two translations. To guarantee the quality of the translations, they will only be accepted accompanied by the translation certificate of one of the companies accredited by RLAE.

  • Guideline to text presentation

The texts of the articles must follow the guidelines of the Equator Network according to the type of study carried out: 
For all types of studies, use the Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE 2.0 – checklist). guideline. 
For randomized clinical trial, use the follow CONSORT (checklist and flowchart). 
For systematic reviews and meta-analyzes, follow the PRISMA guideline (checklist and flowchart). 
For observational studies in epidemiology, follow the STROBE (checklist) guideline. 
For qualitative studies, follow the COREQ (checklist) guideline. 
Improve the quality and transparency of research in health research ( It can be used for all types of health research.

  • Article preparation

. Title in the language of the article only 
. Abstract in the language of the article only 
. Descriptors in Portuguese 
. Descriptors in English 
. Descriptors in Spanish 
. Introduction 
. Method 
. Results 
. Discussion 
. Final remarks 
. References 
Acknowledgments should appear on Title Page only. 
While respecting the creativity and style of the authors, the journal suggests the use of conventional sections Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and Final remarks.

Number of words 
. Original Articles and Review: 5000 words. 
. Letters to the Editor: 500 words 
(in word counting do not include: tables, figures and references)

. File in Word format, A4 paper size (21 cm x 29.7 cm or 8.3" x 11.7") 
. Top, bottom and side margins of 2.5 cm (1") 
. Times New Roman 12 (throughout the text, including tables), with the file typed in .doc or .docx, or .rtf format 
. Double spacing between rows from the title to the references, except the tables, which must have single spacing 
. Use italic for highlights. Not allowed in the text: bold, underline, uppercase words, MS Word bookmarks

. It should be concise and informative with up to 15 words. 
 Only in the submitted article language 
. Use bold 
. Not allowed items: uppercase, acronyms, abbreviations and geographical location of the search.

The abstract should be structured in: Objectives, Method, Results and Final remarks; written in single paragraph, up to 200 words. 
The Objective should be clear, concise and described in the infinitive verbal tense. The Method shall contain the type of study, sample, variable(s), tool(s) and type of analysis. The Results should be concise, informative and present the main results described and quantified, including the characteristics of the participants and final data analysis. The Final remarks should respond strictly to the objectives, expressing the considerations about the theoretical or practical implications of the results and containing three elements: the main result, the relevant additional results and the contribution of the study to the advancement of scientific knowledge. 
The Clinical Trials should present the clinical trial record number at the end of the abstract. 
Not allowed items: acronyms, except internationally recognized, authors' citations, place of study and year of data collection.

. Descriptors in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Selected from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH
. Descriptors separated by a semicolon should be included. The first letter of each word of the descriptor should be in upper case, except articles and prepositions

The names of Sections Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and Final remarks 
. Bold 
. Upper case on first letter only 
. Not allowed items: subsections,

It should be brief, clearly defining the studied issue, highlighting its importance and the knowledge gaps. Include up-to-date and national and international references. Describe the objective(s) at the end of this section.

 Describe the type of study, location, period, population, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sample, study variables, tool(s), way of data collection, data organization for analyzes and ethical aspects.

Limited to describe the results but not including interpretations or comparisons. The text contemplates and does not repeat what tables and figures describe.

Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study. Compare and contrast the results with those of other current studies and present possible mechanisms or explanations for the obtained results. 
Present the limitations of the study and the advances in scientific knowledge.

Final remarks 
Respond to the objectives of the study, restricting itself to the data found. Do not cite references.

Up to 5 items between tables and figures, containing informative, clear and complete title, located above the table, indicating what is meant to represent in it. Containing: 
study participants, variables, location and time of data collection.

. Elaborated with the MS Word table tool 
. Data separated by rows and columns so that each data is in a cell 
. Internal dashes only below and above the header and bottom table

Mention in the text 
. Mandatory. Ex: according to Table 1

. Bold 
. No empty cells

Insertion in the text 
. Shortly after the first mention in the text and not at the end of the article or in separate files

Table typeface 
Describe the source of the information when it is secondary data 
Table Footnotes 
. Restricted to the minimum necessary 
. Indicated by the sequential symbols *,†,‡,§,||,¶,**,††,‡‡, presenting them both inside the table and in the footnote therein, and not only in one of them. 
. Restricted to the minimum necessary 
. Described in full in the table footnote using the sequential symbols *,†,‡,§,||,¶,**,††,‡‡ 
Monetary values 
In dollars or minimum wages in the country of the study and at the time of data collection. Display date and quote in footnote.

Not allowed formatting 
. Line breaks using the Enter key, Indents using the Tab key, Spaces to separate the data; Uppercase; Underline; MS Word bookmarks; Colors in cells; Tables with more than one page 
. Tables with one or two lines only should be converted to text

Figures are: 
Charts, graphics, drawings, diagrams, flowcharts and photos.

. Located below the figure

. In high resolution (minimum of 900 dpi)

Figures: Charts 
. They contain textual and non-numeric data, closed on the sides and internal lines 
. When built with the MS Word table tool, they can have the maximum size of a page, not only 16x10cm like the other figures. 
. Authorization of the source, when extracted from other works, indicating it in the figure footnote

Figures: Graphics 
. Fully readable and clear 
. Maximum size 16x10cm 
. Grayscale and not in color 
. Several graphics in a single figure will only be accepted if the joint presentation is indispensable to the figure interpretation

Figures: Drawings, diagrams, flowcharts 
. Constructed with suitable tools, preferably with the intervention of a graphic arts professional 
. Logical and easy to understand 
. Fully readable and clear 
. Maximum size 16x10cm 
. Authorization of the source, when extracted from other works, indicating it in the figure footnote

Figures: Photos 
. Fully readable and clear 
. Maximum size 16x10cm 
. Black and white and not in color 
. Photos containing people should be treated so that they are not identified

Quotes in the text 
. Arabic numbers, superscripts and between parentheses. E.g. (12) 
. Ordered consecutively, without skipping reference 
. Quotations of sequential references: separated by dash rather than comma, with no space between them. E.g. (1-2), (4-5), (5-9) 
. Quotations of interpolated citations: separated by comma, with no space between them. E.g. (8,14), (10,12,15)

Place of insertion 
. when inserted at the end of the paragraph or sentence they must be before the endpoint and when inserted next to a comma they must be before the endpoint 
"ipsis literes" quotations 
. in quotation marks, without italic, size 12, in the text sequence 
Not allowed items 
. space between the numerical citation and the word that precedes it 
. indication of consulted page 
. names of authors, except those that are part of the theoretical framework 
Participants' wording 
. Italic, Times New Roman typeface size 10, without quotation marks, following the text 
. Speech identification: mandatory, coded, presented at the end of each speech in parentheses and without italics 
. In the text: indicated by an asterisk, starting in each page, restricted to the minimum necessary 
. In the tables and figures: indicated by the sequential symbols *,†,‡,§,||,¶,**,††,‡‡ showing them both inside the table and in the footnote, and not only in one of them 
. In the figures that are images, footnotes must be in text format and not within the image

  • References

. Vancouver Style (
. Without maximum limit since all of them are appropriate to the text and with access link to text verification. References with more than 6 authors: six first followed by et al. 
. Cite the version of the document in English 
. Insert DOI or access link in all references 
. Outdated or inaccessible references to the international scientific community (gray literature) will not be accepted (except the essential ones). Gray literature are books, thesis, dissertations, manuals, norms and legislation, etc.

To find examples of how to quote, consult the RLAE website (