Methodological approaches to studying the problem of interaction between Literature and Philosophy


  • Elena Takho-Godi Lomonosov Moscow State University



Russian literature, Philosophy, Theoretical and methodological approaches


The article describes the experience of a research team studying the interaction between Russian literature and philosophy in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The project has been going on at the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences with financial support of the Russian Science Foundation since 2017. The paper presents peculiarities of the approach to the study of the problem, concern over educational and informational aspects along with the research process itself, as well as the use of various forms of organizing scholarly activities: an international conference, publishing activities, a scholarly seminar.


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Author Biography

  • Elena Takho-Godi, Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Lomonosov Moscow State University; Leading Research Fellow of the Department of Russian Literature of the Late XIX – Early XX Centuries, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Principal investigator of research project “Russian Literature and Philosophy: Ways of Interaction” (RSF, project No 17-18-01432-П); Head of the Department, The Library-Museum “A.F. Losev House”; Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Takho-Godi, E. (2021). Methodological approaches to studying the problem of interaction between Literature and Philosophy . RUS (Sao Paulo), 12(18).

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