The impact of Czech and Russian biology on the linguistic thought of the Prague Linguistic Circle backgroud biológic




Prague Linguistic Circle, Roman Jakobson, Nikolai Trubetzkoi, Biology, Linguistics


I propose in this paper to explore one poorly known aspect of Jakobson's and Trubetzkoy's ideal library, or intellectual world: the biological background, in its relationship with what would be called nowadays «global, or holistic ecology». As a matter of fact, an important part of the scope of interest of the so-called Prague-Russians is to be put within the framework of controversies of this period in the domain of evolutionism in biology, a science which for a long time played the role of model-supplier for human sciences before linguistics itself took up this role after World War II.


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Author Biography

  • Patrick Sériot, Universidade de Lausanne

    Professor de Linguística Eslava na Universidade de Lausanne. Doutor pela Universidade de Grenoble e Mestre em russo pela Universidade de Paris IV. Concluiu sua formação em eslavística na Universidade de Aix-en-Provence. Agradecemos aos professores Patrick Sériot e Tomáš Hoskovec, atualmente administrador dos Travaux du Cercle linguistique de Prague, a permissão para traduzirmos e publicarmos este ensaio neste número da RUS.


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How to Cite

Sériot, P. (2021). The impact of Czech and Russian biology on the linguistic thought of the Prague Linguistic Circle backgroud biológic. RUS (Sao Paulo), 12(19), 31-45.