Liaisons dangereuses: Roman Jakobson during his Czech period (1920-1939)




Roman Jakobson, Czechoslovakia, Prague, Soviet Red Cross


In a rather general view this essay wants to present Roman Jakobson’s life during his almost twenty years stay in Czechoslovakia, between 1920 and 1939. It is a purely biographical approach which describes relations, difficulties, distrusts and persecutions which were a feature of his social interaction with political authorities in Prague and Brno.


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Author Biography

  • Valteir Vaz, Fundação Santo André

    Professor de Teoria Literária e Literatura Brasileira na Fundação Santo André e no CEETPS. Realiza pós-doutorado sobre o período tcheco de R. Jakobson, na Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Vaz, V. (2021). Liaisons dangereuses: Roman Jakobson during his Czech period (1920-1939). RUS (Sao Paulo), 12(19), 221-247.