The memorial solipsism of Anton Lavrentievich G-v in Demons, by Dostoevsky




Demons, Dostoevsky, Narrative focus, Discursive time, Memory, Saint Augustine, Henri Bergson


This article analyses how the state of memory contributes to verisimilitude in the novel Demons, despite the complex narrative focus of the work. The analysis is based on the phenomenological conception of literary time in three fictional instances:  historical, discursive, and narrative. It then examines how Dostoevsky’s realism uses memory and its particular logic, opposed to casual naturalist dynamics, to build a subtle protagonism into the narrator, Anton Lavrentievich G-v. Using of Saint Augustine’s and Henri Bergson’s philosophical conceptions of time and memory, it investigates how the novel's discourse might intrinsically be linked to the significant associations of G-v’s memory, allowing for a different reading of the work - as a chronicle composed mostly of confessional solipsism.


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How to Cite

Pedroso, E. R. (2021). The memorial solipsism of Anton Lavrentievich G-v in Demons, by Dostoevsky. RUS (Sao Paulo), 12(20), 66-88.