The involuntary art of dreaming: the reverie in White nights




White Nights, Reverie, Space, Dreamer


In this article, we are interested in exploring the paths of the protagonist (the dreamer) and his extraordinary inner epic in Dostoevsky's narrative. The theme of daydreaming intertwined with the symbolic description of space make up the focus of our analysis. According to Bachelard, daydreaming serves as an escape from the boring reality that surrounds the subject and deprives him from experiencing other realities created by his mind. Particularly in literature, reverie functions as an engine that propels the creation of a cogito, as we witness in White nights. The protagonist is a dreamer, but with a clear conscience. In analyzing the space of the narrative, we find that the urban imagery surrounding St. Petersburg (bridges, canals, river, avenues), combined with the phenomenon of the white nights in summer, feed the daydream of the protagonist.


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Author Biographies

  • Rosanne Bezerra de Araújo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

    Professora do Departamento de Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas, bem como do Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos da linguagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Desenvolve pesquisas em Literatura Comparada e Teoria da Literatura.

  • Lucas José de Mello Lopes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

    Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Linguagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, com foco em Literatura Comparada. Bolsista CAPES.


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DOSTOIÉVSKI, Fiódor. Obra completa. Volume I. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 2004.

FRANK, Joseph. “A realidade e o sonhador”. In: Dostoiévski: As sementes da revolta, 1821 a 1849. São Paulo: Edusp, 2008.

PAREYSON, Luigi. Dostoiévski: filosofia, romance e experiência religiosa. São Paulo: Edusp, 2012.

ROSENSHIELD, Gary. “Point of View and the Imagination in Dostoevskij’s White Nights”. The Slavic and East European Journal, 1977, Vol. 21, n.º 2 (Summer), pp. 191-203.

ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. Os devaneios do caminhante solitário. São Paulo: Edipro, 2018.



How to Cite

Araújo, R. B. de, & Lopes, L. J. de M. (2021). The involuntary art of dreaming: the reverie in White nights. RUS (Sao Paulo), 12(20), 261-279.