The performance of darkness: analysis on the drama value of the black out in Joël Pommerat’s Cercles/Fictions


  • Maria Clara Ferrer Université Sorbonne Nouvelle



black-out, darkness, Joel Pommerat, Eric Soyer, Cercles/ Fictions.


Black-out has become, throughout Joël Pommerat’s artistic path, a “figure of speech” that distinctive of the Louis Brouillard company’s performances. This article questions the dramaturgical importance of this process within the scene writing of this French author-director. Focusing on the analysis of Cercles/Fictions (2010), a play that has marked the artist’s work as a first rupture with the frontality of the stage house, this study aims at understanding how the darkness acts on the composition and on the perception of this play, gaining an actual performing nature.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Clara Ferrer, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
    Doutora em estudos teatrais/artes cênicas pela Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, onde também leciona.


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How to Cite

Ferrer, M. C. (2015). The performance of darkness: analysis on the drama value of the black out in Joël Pommerat’s Cercles/Fictions. Sala Preta, 15(2), 72-92.