Illustrious Mr. Pirandello took the train in Central do Brasil Station


  • Alessandra Vannucci Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Escola de Comunicação



Modernism, Audience formation, Intellectuals in Brazil


The passage of Teatro d’Arte Company on Brazilian stages, in the triennium (1925-1928) when Pirandello assumed its direction, triggered a controversial debate that endured far beyond modernism, following the fame of the Italian along the modernization of theatre in Brazil. This essay focuses on the departure of the literate from the literary enclosure to enter show business, coinciding with the Latin American enterprise. As well as for other distinguished travellers, as Marinetti, who visited Brazil a year before, in 1926, his lectures and interviews (especially the one given to Sérgio Buarque de Holanda) gave occasion to mirror perceptions of the Brazilian cultural process, whose imaginary was also defined by contagion from traveller’s opinions. This research contributes to calendar of events in honour of Pirandello’s 150th birth anniversary.


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Author Biography

  • Alessandra Vannucci, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Escola de Comunicação
    Diretora e Dramaturga, doutora em Letras na PUC-Rio, docente em Direçao Teatral na ECO-UFRJ e de Processos Criativos no PPGAC-UFRJ


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HELLYESSE. Sete dias de theatro. Correio da Manhã, Rio de Janeiro, 11 set. 1927. n. 10018, p. 15.

HOLANDA, S. B. O futurismo paulista. Revista Fon-Fon, Rio de Janeiro, n. 50, 10 dez. 1921.

______. Conversando com Pirandello. O Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, 31 dez. 1988. p. 46.

MOTTA FILHO, C. Introdução. In: PIRANDELLO, L. Novelas escolhidas. São Paulo: [s.n.], 1925.

PICCHIA, M. Da esthetica. Seremos plagiarios? Correio Paulistano, São Paulo, 10 abr. 1920. n. 20391, p. 1.

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TEMPORADA Pirandello, no Municipal. Correio da Manhã, Rio de Janeiro, 16 set. 1927. n. 10022, p. 5.






How to Cite

Vannucci, A. (2017). Illustrious Mr. Pirandello took the train in Central do Brasil Station. Sala Preta, 17(2), 289-303.