Vestido em Panorama: about formation and relativization of a canon of the Brazilian theatrical historiography


  • Henrique Buarque de Gusmão Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (professor adjunto)
  • Thiago Herzog PPGHIS/UFRJ (mestrando)



Sábato Magaldi (1927), Nelson Rodrigues (1912-1980), modern Brazilian theater


This article proposes an exercise of intellectual history, seeking to find, on the book Panorama do teatro brasileiro [Brazilian theater overview], by Sábato Magaldi, some explanatory keys to the creation of a “founding mark” to the modern Brazilian theater, which had spread broadly in the intellectual environment of theatrical studies: the debut of Vestido de noiva [The wedding dress], by Nelson Rodrigues, in 1943. Thus, the main references that guide the reflection of Sábato will be analyzed, as well as the central devices that he builds for his writing of the Brazilian theatrical history. In the end of the text, a reflection about the challenges that theater historians face on the appearance of new theoretical perspective that destabilize the notion of “canon” is done and the big narratives that cover long historical periods. 


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Author Biographies

  • Henrique Buarque de Gusmão, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (professor adjunto)

    Professor do Insitituto de História da UFRJ

  • Thiago Herzog, PPGHIS/UFRJ (mestrando)
    Mestrando do PPGHIS/UFRJ


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MAGALDI, S. Panorama do teatro brasileiro. São Paulo: Global, 2004.

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Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1981.






How to Cite

Buarque de Gusmão, H., & Herzog, T. (2015). Vestido em Panorama: about formation and relativization of a canon of the Brazilian theatrical historiography. Sala Preta, 15(1), 124-134.