THAT THE "CORDIAL MAN" DIES - A criticism on the book Roots of Brazil, by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda


  • Ramatis Jacino UFABC



Racism, slave, cordiality, brazilians


The article search to discuss some paradigms produced by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, especially the concept of "cordial man", which, in my understanding, reflect the Brazilian oligarchic thinking, repeating and deepening the theses of Gilberto Freyre.These theses sustain that we experienced in our country an amiable slavery and fraternal relationship between enslavers and enslaved (with the owner representing at most the role of a severe patriarch) the result of their supposed "cordial character" and a passive subjection of these. This relationship would have as consequence the construction of a "racial democracy" from the moment that the slavery became illegal. It also criticizes the author's interpretation of the facts and processes that led to the constitution of the Brazilian nation and the disqualification of the Indians, blacks and Portuguese people, who were responsible for a supposed failure of this nation due to the singularities inherent in its condition Ethnic/racial.


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Author Biography

  • Ramatis Jacino, UFABC
    Ramatis Jacino é professor do Bacharelado em Ciência Econômicas da Universidade Federal do ABC e membro do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas de Gênero, Raça/Etnia e Geração - NEP GREG, da Universidade Federal da Bahia– UFBA. Mestre e doutor pela FFLCH/USP é autor de O Branqueamento do Trabalho (São Paulo: Nefertiti,2008), Transição e Exclusão(São Paulo: Nefertiti,2014); organizador de ÌMÓ- Panorama do Pensamento Negro Brasileiro (São Paulo: Nefertiti, 2009) e coautor dos livros didáticos; Africanidades São Paulo e Africanidades Paulistanas. João Pessoa: Grafset, 2014. Organizado por Sueli Chan Ferreira.






How to Cite

Jacino, R. (2017). THAT THE "CORDIAL MAN" DIES - A criticism on the book Roots of Brazil, by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. Sankofa (São Paulo), 10(19), 33-63.