Autos de Rei Congo em Fortaleza: Uma prática cultural negra na dinâmica socioespacial da cidade (1873-1900)


  • Janote Pires Marques Universidade Federal do Ceará



Black parties, Congos, Brotherhood of the Rosary, Sociability


In the last decades of the nineteenth century, Fortress has gone through major transformations, urban and social policies. In this context, the black cultural festival taking place in the city have suffered persecution and attempts at retrenchment. To resist, that black culture is recreated from the experiences of individuals who worked at these parties. This article examines the displacement of black kings crowned in the Brotherhood of the Rosary of Fortaleza to other cultural events, such as records of King Congo. We highlight several dimensions in those parties, extending therefore the view that they were just looking for fun and perceive them as well as spaces of sociability and cultural reworkings, as well as powerful instruments of blacks to conquer territories in the physical and symbolic city.


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Author Biography

  • Janote Pires Marques, Universidade Federal do Ceará
    Mestre em História Social pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Membro do Grupo de Estudos “Trabalhadores Livres e Escravos no Ceará”, sediado no Departamento de História da UFC. Professor de História, no Colégio Militar de Fortaleza. Autor do livro Festas de negros em Fortaleza. Territórios, sociabilidades e reelaborações (1871-1900). Fortaleza: Expressão Gráfica, 2009.






How to Cite

Marques, J. P. (2009). Autos de Rei Congo em Fortaleza: Uma prática cultural negra na dinâmica socioespacial da cidade (1873-1900). Sankofa (São Paulo), 2(4), 34-49.