Educação e Saúde: Perspectivas para a Autoestima de Crianças Negras no Processo de Escolarização


  • Veronice Francisca dos Santos Universidade Estadual da Bahia
  • Isabelle Sanches Universidade Estadual da Bahia



Health, Race Relations, Child Education.


This article deals with the health promotion perspective as to build self esteem of black children in the education process of children's education. Thus, it is routed through the following questions: how to identify health problems interfere with building self esteem of children in the schooling process; Check for public educational policies aimed at care for children's health at the Centers Municipal Education Child; analyze how the articulation between education and health of these children in school environments. For both, the methodological approach was directed from a field survey, through a semi-structured interviews with managers of public policies on education and literature, considering the historical context of early childhood education, reflecting on its influence on day current. In this sense, it analyzes how public policy drive the educational theme Municipal Health Centers in Early Childhood Education and how this routing prioritizes the needs of each child, especially regarding the specifics of the racial group they belong to. In summary, the work is heading in order to see how they would have been guaranteed the children of the kindergarten, the relationship between education and health and recovery of their self esteem to actually develop fully.


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Author Biographies

  • Veronice Francisca dos Santos, Universidade Estadual da Bahia
    Estudante da UNEB - Campus I, do curso de Pedagogia com habilitação em Educação Infantil, bolsista de iniciação científica do Projeto “Qualificando a Permanência de Estudantes Cotistas na UNEB”.
  • Isabelle Sanches, Universidade Estadual da Bahia
    Mestra em Educação, Psicopedagoga, Professora da Universidade Estadual da Bahia (UNEB), campus XXI – Serrinha






How to Cite

Santos, V. F. dos, & Sanches, I. (2011). Educação e Saúde: Perspectivas para a Autoestima de Crianças Negras no Processo de Escolarização. Sankofa (São Paulo), 4(7), 73-86.