Escravidão, Quotidiano e Gênero na Emergente Capital Alagoana (1849-1888)


  • Danilo Luiz Marques Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



Slavery, Quotidian and Resistance


This present article aims to explain about slavery in Maceio during the second half of the nineteenth century. To do so, we discuss the everyday as a site of resistance of slaves and free Africans before the hegemony manor. Characteristic of nineteenth-century Brazilian cities, the presence of slavery was remarkable in social maceioense, having a large population of slaves, freedmen, free Africans and poor freemen circulating daily in the streets, alleys and squares, settling on the outskirts of the city, developing their arrangements, seeking survival counteract the hegemony manor, delineating urban living maceioense throughout the nineteenth century. Within this scenario, the presence of black women was a constant: they wove experiences in the streets and squares of the capital of Alagoas, composing the cityscape with its customs and inserted in a context of slavery city. Thus, were fundamental to the domestic order and small businesses.


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Author Biography

  • Danilo Luiz Marques, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
    Graduado em História pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas e Mestre em História Social pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo com a dissertação Sobreviver e Resistir: os caminhos para liberdade de africanas livres e escravas em Maceió (1849-1888), sob orientação da Prof.ª Drª Maria Odila Leite da Silva Dias.






How to Cite

Marques, D. L. (2013). Escravidão, Quotidiano e Gênero na Emergente Capital Alagoana (1849-1888). Sankofa (São Paulo), 6(11), 71-95.