“I’m not a fan, but…”: readers and film audiences of Tolkien


  • Maria Clara Sidou Monteiro Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul
  • Dulce Helena Mazer Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul
  • Sarah Moralejo da Costa Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul




cultural consumption, fan studies, narrative reception


This article describes reader reception practices among J. R. R. Tolkien fans and their perception of the narratives in the books through their movie adaptations. It’s a qualitative exploratory research with visitors of the 37th International Book Fair of the Palacio de Minería (IBFPM) that points out characteristics of reading among five interviewees and evaluates factors that influence the ways they read and how they define themselves in the face of cultural offerings. We seek to contribute with reflections related to their practices through the connections between these readers, the movies and their interpretive repertoires, and to emphasize the importance of qualitative studies on reader reception.


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Author Biographies

  • Maria Clara Sidou Monteiro, Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul

    Doctoranda en Comunicación e Información por la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul.

  • Dulce Helena Mazer, Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul
    Doctora en Comunicación e Información por la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Sarah Moralejo da Costa, Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul
    Doctora en Comunicación e Información por la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul.


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How to Cite

“I’m not a fan, but…”: readers and film audiences of Tolkien. (2018). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 45(49), 214-230. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-7114.sig.2018.138628