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Author Guidelines

1. The journal Signos do Consumo accepts original and unpublished works, in a continuous flow. Publication depends on the evaluation of the referees and Editorial Board. Non-original articles, that is, already published in other journals will not be accepted. All texts are analyzed by plagiarism detection software.

2. No fees will be charged for submission and publication in the journal.


a) All papers submitted will be forwarded, in a blind evaluation system (without reference to the authorship), for evaluation by referees, Editorial Board members, or ad hoc experts. In possession of the opinions, the article is then evaluated by the Editorial Board. Subsequently, the author receives a reply of acceptance, modification, or rejection. Modifications for new presentations are subject to the same process as article submission. 

b)  Opinions expressed in the articles are responsibility of the authors.

c)  Original submissions imply in the acceptance that, in case of publication, the copyrights will be transferred from the author to the journal (in all media).

d) The texts submitted should follow the standards for citations and references of ABNT NBR 6023.


Texts varying from ten to fifteen pages (21,000 to 30,000 characters), containing analysis, reflection and conclusion on academic topics. Short titles and subtitles. Footnotes only if essential, noting the maximal extent of three lines. Appendices and glossaries will not be accepted. If there are images, they should be inserted in the body of text and also sent in a separate file. Images should be summited at high-resolution (300 dpi – in .jpg or .tif) and minimal width of 10 cm (proportional height). The reproduction of illustrations is the sole responsibility of the author.


Texts with dimension varying from three to five pages (4,200 to 7,000 characters), containing registration and review of books, thesis and dissertations, etc., published recently. They must have own title.

6. The digital file should contain the following items, in conformity with the subsequent order:

- Title in capital letters, bold, size 12, in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

- Subtitles of the article sections must be numbered and in capital letters, without bold, size 12.

- Sub-items of the article sections should be numbered and types only with the first letter capitalized, in italics, size 12.

- Page numeration must be in the upper right corner of all pages, as from the first.

- Abstract in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, with a maximum of seven lines. Keywords in Portuguese, Spanish, and English (at least three and at most five words). Versions in English and Spanish should be equivalent to the text in Portuguese.

- The words “resumo”, “abstract”, “resumen”, “palavras-chave”, “keywords”, and “palabras-clave” should be written in bold, size 12.

- Keywords, in all languages, should be in lower case, without bold, and separated only by commas.

- Make sure there is no identification of work authorship, thus ensuring the confidentiality criterion of the journal in the peer-review process. 

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • URLs for references must be informed whenever possible.
  • Text must follow style standards and bibliographical requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the page About the Journal.
  • Opinions expressed in the text are the responsibility of their authors.
  • The standard adopted by Signos do Consumo for the compilation of references in the ABNT NBR 6023 (available at:
  • Text should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, spacing between lines of 1.5; use italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); figures and tables should be inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of appendices.
  • Identification of authorship shall be removed of the file and of the option Word Properties, thus ensuring the confidentiality criterion of the journal if submitted to peer review (ex.: articles).
  • The authors authorize the publication of the article submitted and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License. Auto archive is allowed in post-print version after publication.
  • The contribution shall be original and unpublished, not be under evaluation by other journal, and has not been published in full in congresses. Otherwise, the submission must be justified in “Comments to the Editor”.
  • The submission file must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses reported in this journal will be used exclusively for the services related to this publication and will not be available for other purposes or third parties.