Materiality and society: social-technical tendencies in mobile technologies


  • Pedro XAVIER MENDONÇA Universidade de Lisboa; Instituto de Ciências Sociais; Instituto Superior de Comunicação Empresarial



The delimitation of defining lines of certain technological development is something that several authors already established. This kind of approach is inspired in similar task applied to science. In this work it is intended to present some lines, that we call tendencies, which mark mobile technologies development, like mobile phones, smartphones or tablets. This work makes an analysis of some artifacts and its features, which make some directions and hegemonic dominations, although they are not exclusive of these technologies. It is applied a sociotechnical analysis based on observation and on the use of this kind of technologies. The output is the identification of five tendencies: realism; techno-body continuity; priority to context; velocity; and compatibility/multi-functionality. This different sociotechnical forms allow the understanding of how these materialities are inscribed in social space, and how some projects are a result of social intentions. The proliferation of mobile technologies shows by itself the relevance of this approach in order to question technological future.






How to Cite

Materiality and society: social-technical tendencies in mobile technologies . (2015). Scientiae Studia, 13(4), 929-947.