Machado de Assis leitor dos românticos brasileiros


  • Andréa Sirihal Werkema Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro


Machado de Assis, literary criticism, Brazilian Romanticism


The present text reads the critical essays that M. de Assis wrote about some of the Brazilian romantic authors, in order to recognize his apprehension of the textual proceedings of this movement, which distinguishes the birth of the Brazilian literary identity. On the other side, the article tries to expose, in Machado’s critique, the development and the establishment of a theory of Brazilian Romanticism – a theory that perpetuates itself until today in our literary criticism.


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Author Biography

  • Andréa Sirihal Werkema, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro
    é professora de Literatura Brasileira na UERJ, autora de Macário, ou do drama romântico em Álvares de Azevedo (Editora da UFMG, 2012).



How to Cite

Werkema, A. S. (2013). Machado de Assis leitor dos românticos brasileiros. Teresa, 12-13, 496-507.