Literature and Comic Books: Adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe


  • Fernando da Silva Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução



Comic book stories, retextualization, literature


In the light of the recent emergence of Comic Books as a mass media phenomena and of popularization of literature, this article aims at providing a deep look of introspection on how the investigation of comic books, as form of literary text adaptation, provides important insights to the way image and text are interchangeable as a means to represent meaning and senses in the works of Edgar Allan Poe. Thus, in this text a few short stories by the aforementioned author, and adapted to the comic book format, will be observed by taking into account their aesthetic value and their retextualization as literary texts. The analyzes that operate within the works of Edgar Allan Poe indicate that in the retextualizations in comic book format  there is not only the materialization of text into images from distinct semiotic systems, as it is characteristic of the text genre, but also, a reorientation in terms of space and temporality in the stories investigated.


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Author Biography

  • Fernando da Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução

    Mestrado. Doutorando pelo programa de pós-graduação em Estudos da Tradução (PGET-UFSC) Interesse: Localização de games; pesquisas baseadas em corpora; análise multimodal. 



How to Cite

Silva, F. da. (2016). Literature and Comic Books: Adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe. TradTerm, 27, 137-154.