The space of cultural practices: from the construction of social space to the study of subgroups through specific class analysis.


  • Frédéric Lebaron Université Paris-Saclay
  • Philippe Bonnet University of Copenhagen



Sociology, Social Class


What are the social determinants of cultural orientations and, in particular, what is the effect of class position on the differences observed in the universe of cultural practices? This article revisits this classic question of the sociology of culture and the sociology of stratification, based on the data of a survey conducted in France in 2003 ("Cultural and sports participation"). Mobilizing a systematic approach based on geometric data analysis, the aim of this article is to discuss empirically the importance of class belonging effect, as it can be understood from socio-professional nomenclatures at different levels of aggregation. Once the effect of class belonging has been determined and its importance according to various criteriaassessed, the social variations within three social groups are examined, in order to show that it is possible to interpret sociologically the diversity of cultural practices within different social categories, possibly even in more refined levels.


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Author Biographies

  • Frédéric Lebaron, Université Paris-Saclay

    é professor de sociologia na Universidade de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (Université Paris-Saclay).

  • Philippe Bonnet, University of Copenhagen

    Professor associado na IT University of Copenhagen. 


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Dossiê - Classes Sociais e Desigualdades: sociabilidade, cultura, política

How to Cite

Lebaron, F., & Bonnet, P. (2016). The space of cultural practices: from the construction of social space to the study of subgroups through specific class analysis. Tempo Social, 28(2), 11-38.