Mutations of work and urban experience


  • Vera da Silva Telles Universidade de São Paulo. Centro de Estudos dos Direitos da Cidadania



Mutations of work, Urban reconfigurations, Generational difference, Social practices, Social experience


This article inquires into the societal dimensions of contemporary mutations of work, in particular their disconnection from employment mechanisms through various forms of casual work and outsourcing. In other words, it asks in what way the new realities of work (and non-work) redraw the social world, the relations of force and the fields of practices that make up the texture of the city and its spaces. The circumstances of casual and intermittent labour alter the time and space of social experience, as well as the urban experience itself in the decentred circuits we can denominate "territories of precariousness". The article proposes to investigate these new realities by following the paths and urban trajectories of the new generations. It suggests that this is a fertile entry point for describing this redefined social world: the difference between generations today has the historical peculiarity of coinciding with deep changes in the world of work and in urban dynamics. This is also a way of re-approaching the question of the meanings of work and its structuring effects on social life.


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How to Cite

Telles, V. da S. (2006). Mutations of work and urban experience . Tempo Social, 18(1), 173-195.