The 2005 autumn riots in France


  • Didier Fassin Universidade de Princeton
  • Paulo Neves Sem registro de afiliação



France, Riots, Racial discriminations, Social inequality


The 2005 autumn riots in France may be considered a real event: it has given shape to issues not seen before as such yielding a time boundary which changed the way society regards itself. The suggested interpretation has two levels. On the one hand, the circumstances that have triggered off the events are related, as succeeds in any riots of the last 25 years, to police violence and the resulting unsettling in the precarious moral economy of the popular classes. On the other hand, the underlying phenomena are related to a particular form of inequality not acknowledge by French society: racial discriminations.


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Dossiê - Sociologia da Desigualdade

How to Cite

Fassin, D. (2006). The 2005 autumn riots in France (P. . Neves , Trans.). Tempo Social, 18(2), 185-196.